Home News (Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For June 5, 2014

(Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For June 5, 2014


The following are results of the TNA Impact Wrestling tapings for the June 5th edition of the show, which was taped on Thursday night at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida …

– Willow def. Bram via disqualification. The DQ came when Magnus ambushed Willow during the match.

– Samoa Joe comes out and challenges MVP, Kenny King and Bobby Lashley in a three-on-one handicap match. Austin Aries ends up coming out to help Joe. MVP ends up booking a “loser leaves TNA” match between Samoa Joe and Austin Aries. Additionally, he made a match between Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. He later informed referee Brian Hebner that there must be a winner in the aforementioned Joe-Aries “loser leaves TNA” bout.

– Eddie Edwards def. Davey Richards. After the match, The Wolves beat down Kenny King.

– Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries ends in a no contest when Bully Ray came out and attacked the referee.

– Bully Ray challenges MVP, Bobby Lashley, Kenny King and Ethan Carter III to a “first blood” match tonight against himself, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and Eric Young.

– The Bro Mans come out and cut a promo on The Menagerie, calling them carnies and a freak show. Robbie E. stays on the serious side and mentions that he’s afraid of clowns. The Menagerie end up coming out and attacking The Bro Mans.

– Bully Ray, Eric Young, Samoa Joe & Austin Aries def. MVP, Kenny King, Bobby Lashley & Ethan Carter III in a first blood match when EC3 is busted open.

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