Home News *Spoilers* TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For March 13, 2015

*Spoilers* TNA Impact Wrestling Taping Results For March 13, 2015


TNA taped the following matches/segments for the March 13th edition of Impact Wrestling on Destination America. Results come courtesy of ProWrestling.net.

Impact Wrestling Taping Results (Air date: March 13th)

– The Wolves vs. DJ- Z and Jesse Godderz vs. Manik and Sanada in the Ultimate X Match for the TNA Tag Titles. The Wolves won the match and a decent effort in by all wrestlers. It is quite hard judging this match knowing that the Ultimate X has been done countless times and the standard was set so high in the early days that it came across as just a decent match. The Ultimate X is now not really a special match used as the corner stone of the X division, but more of a throwaway gimmick to get people of the show with no build up.

– Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young in a Last Man Standing match, was the second best match on the night and really helped by both putting in a lot of effort. Bobby Roode is one of the best workers in TNA and he won by putting Eric Young through the table doing the Roode bomb off the apron.

– Drew Galloway faced off with MVP, this was setup by a talking segment between them. Nothing really much too it, but already Drew is a bit of a lost cause in the company. The BDC caused a DQ or a no contest, beating down on Drew, held him against the ring post and hit his head with a steal pipe. A long drawn out segment!

– Magnus vs. Bram match was decent, but same old TNA, where they have former tag team teammates feud with each other. I do wish they come up with a better idea. Bram causes a DQ finish and uses cable ties to tie Magnus to the ropes, and then grabs Mickie James, threatening Magnus to take everything he loves, unless he kisses his boot. Magnus does kiss the boot. Terrible segment really.

– Brooke vs. Robbie E- Crap segment. Brooke wins enough said.

– Rockstar Spud vs. EC3 in a hair vs. hair match. This was a really good match and Rockstar Spud was a true babyface in this match. This was his best match in his time with the company. EC3 was his usual heel self and helped keep the match going. Lots of blood in this one. Tyrus and Ken Anderson made appearances, where Tyrus tried to take out Spud and Anderson made a save. EC3 won though and shaved Spud’s head bald.