*Spoilers* TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results (Airing 3/20)

Here are spoiler results for the March 20th edition of Impact Wrestling, courtesy of WrestlingNewsWorld.com:

In a dark segment Bully Ray came out with a mic. He asked the fans who wanted to see him put someone through a table, specifically Bobby Roode. The loudest fans to cheer will be able to help him bring Ray’s tables to the ring.

Angelina Love came out for a promo and talked about it has been a week and called out Velvet Sky, who came to the ring. Velvet talked about she owes a lot to Angelina. She also mentioned the bad times. Angelina really wants them to be friends again and said the fans want it too. They ended up hugging. Angelina says they are missing a third piece and asked Madison Rayne to come out. Angelina tells Madison that she was a part of The Beautiful People and offered her a spot. She says all three of their names but didn’t say Madison’s respectfully. Madison said Angelina always treated her with disrespect. Love said Madison at the time needed to pay her dues. Rayne said that she did all of Love’s dirty work and she likes Velvet but she is not interested and is out.

In a non title triple threat match, Bromans defeated Sanada/Tigre Uno and The Wolves via a pin on Uno following a Hart Attack. Before the match Bromans told Uno and Sanada to lay down for them but they said no. Zema distracted Sanada by taking his X Title at one point.

Bully Ray came out and had tables in the ring. He said he is the one who made sure Dixie is no longer in charge. Crowd chanted “Thank you, Bully.” He spoke about how Dixie came to him and offered money and her “womanly” ways to him and he said no. He said she almost had him with a steak. He told Bobby Roode the last thing they need is another owner like Dixie. He asked how many fans want to see Roode go through some tables. Roode came out. Roode said Ray does not scare him. The guy Ray screwed over does not exist anymore and said he is the guy who was the longest reigning and most dominant champion in TNA history, spat in Dixie’s face before it was cool, and said he was the one who tricked Ray into flying to the corporate office in Nashville last week. He asked the crowd if they know who he was. Ray wanted to fight. Roode said he doesn’t call the shots. Ray said he does and the fans say now. Roode said it isn’t going to happen and leaves. Ray goes after him and puts him on a table at ringside but Roode moves. Ray continues to attack him. They went into the rig and Ray went for a running boot on Roode through a table but missed. Ray then went for a powerbomb through one, Roode evaded, then went for a spear on Roode through another but Roode moved again and Ray put himself through the table.

In a TNA World Heavyweight Title Match, Magnus defeated Samoa Joe. They had Abyss and MVP handcuffed to each other for the match at ringside. Ref got KOed and Abyss and MVP got in a brawl around ringside. Abyss got tacks from under the ring. MVP un handcuffed himself after laying out Abyss and tossed the tacks. Abyss went after MVP and Joe attempted a dive on Abyss but Abyss threw a chair in Joe’s face. Magnus followed up with a top rope elbow drop for the win.

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