Home News Tama Tonga Issues Warning To Kota Ibushi Ahead of G1 Clash

Tama Tonga Issues Warning To Kota Ibushi Ahead of G1 Clash

Tama Tonga Issues Warning To Kota Ibushi Ahead of G1 Clash
Tama Tonga

Tama Tonga is currently competing in his 3rd G1 Climax tournament. In both his two previous tournaments (2016 and 2017) he finished with a 4W-5L record and 8pts.

With two matches remaining, Tonga currently has just 4pts. Despite his poor record thus far, it has been a memorable tournament for Tonga. Along with his stablemates in Bullet Club’s Firing Squad, Tonga has been interfering in matches frequently in contrast to what is normally seen in the annual heavyweight round-robin tournament.

His next match will be against Kenny Omega’s Golden Lovers’ teammate, Kota Ibushi. Tonga directed his most recent post-match comments towards his upcoming opponent.

“That’s nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you in Yokohama,” Tonga said in reference to the Firing Squad attack on the Golden Elite in San Francisco

Kenny Omega vs Kota Ibushi

Tama Tonga vs Kota Ibushi will be Tonga’s 2nd last match in the round-robin portion of the tournament. If he defeats Kota Ibushi and Toru Yano he’ll finish with 8pts as he has in previous tournaments.

In the opening moments their preliminary match yesterday against Ibushi and Yujiro Takahashi, Tonga and Tanga Loa offered Takahashi a spot in the Firing Squad. The brothers had previously said that had Takahashi not hesitated to join in the attack in San Francisco, he’d have been in the Firing Squad originally as well. Takahashi didn’t accept and the Guerillas attacked the two members of Bullet Club Elite from behind.

“Yujiro! What did we tell you?” Tanga Loa asked after the match. “We offered you another opportunity and you didn’t take it.”

“You should have been with us,” he continued. “You got what you deserved,” Tama Tonga added.

“Golden Lovers?” Tonga asked about his upcoming opponent’s tag-team. “This is wrestling, not a p*** flick.”