Terry Funk Reacts to Shawn Michaels Coming Out of Retirement for WWE Crown Jewel

Terry Funk knows a thing or two about retiring and then returning to the ring so he gives his thoughts on Shawn Michaels returning for a match in Saudi Arabia

Terry Funk knows a thing or two about retiring and then making a comeback.

The legendary wrestler had more than a few exits and subsequent returns to the ring over the course of his career.

Funk, 74, was a big part of Paul Heyman’s initial push with ECW and even appeared on the company’s first pay-per-view. Since that time, Funk has retired on several occasions only to get drawn back into the ring again and again.

“Paul Heyman is a wonderful manipulator, and I mean that in a good way,” Funk told The Ringer about his comeback from retirement. “He’s probably the greatest one around at this point in time. He was a pain in Vince [McMahon]’s side and Vince finally hired him, and I truly believe Paul Heyman is doing a great deal up there [in WWE] that no one knows about.

“They knew they were gonna have to keep increasing the salary, and I loved what I was doing. Whenever I was up there [in ECW], we were pounding out new ground.”

In November, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels will make his first in ring appearance in eight years after he called it a career back in 2010.

Michaels has made sporadic appearances in WWE over the years but he hasn’t wrestled in a full match since announcing his retirement.

That hiatus will come to an end in November when Michaels teams up with his old friend Triple H for a tag team match against the Undertaker and Kane at the WWE’s upcoming ‘Crown Jewel’ event in Saudi Arabia.

Funk points to two key elements that likely brought Michaels back to the ring and that likely plays a huge part in any professional wrestler choosing to return after retirement.

“I’m sure he has plenty of money, but money changes constantly. You love the business, but you love it a whole bunch more if you’re getting more money,” Funk said. “I’m the same way. I think we all are.

“I don’t think I’m talking about some guy that’s just money-hungry. It’s his love for the business and the money.”

As far as Michaels somehow tarnishing his legacy by making a return for this match, Funk downplays that possibility because it’s a different animal coming back for pro wrestling versus any sport where athletes just can’t seem to stay away after retirement.

Ultimately, Funk says Michaels is making his own choices and no one can begrudge him for that decision.

“Truthfully, it’s really not a risk at all,” Funk said about Michaels coming back. “Of course, that depends on what level you come back at. Are you going to come back at a high position of a main-eventer? If Shawn Michaels came to the ring and was in the opening match and lost, I don’t think he’d have much longevity. It’s [dependent on] the manipulation of his character after he is there.

“Shawn will definitely do business. Shawn is controlling his destiny and can control it at any time.”

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