The Crash promotion in Mexico is comprised mainly of defecting AAA luchadors. Many young luchadors left AAA to join Crash, feeling as though AAA was not willing to push un-established names.
Oddly enough, AAA was created by luchadors fed up with CMLL for doing the same thing in the early 90s.
Crash has posted the full match between the Young Bucks and the Lucha Brothers from their Cinco De Mayo event last Friday.
State of Mexican Lucha Libre
The addition of the Crash promotion to the Mexican scene has now extended the war to 3 promotions: AAA, CMLL, & Crash.
Despite losing many stars, AAA Lucha Libre is still going strong. Just recently Johnny Mundo won the promotion’s Mega-Championship. He also holds the Latin American & Cruiserweight championships for the promotion.
Konnan is involved with the Crash promotion, and has suggested he is less than pleased that Jeff Jarrett signed a talent-sharing agreement between Impact and AAA.