Home News TNA Bound For Glory 2012 PPV Results

TNA Bound For Glory 2012 PPV Results


TNA Bound For Glory PPV Opener:

The show opens with an elaborate video package covering the history of Bound For Glory, complete with top TNA talent discussing the importance of the annual event.

TNA X-Title: Zema Ion (c) vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD’s music hits after a brief introduction from Mike Tenay at ringside. Zema Ion is out next and our first match is officially underway. RVD and Zema lock up and RVD goes behind Ion. Ion turns things around, but RVD is able to take him over. Ion backs off and says RVD pulled his hair. Zema jaws with the crowd, and RVD pulls him back by the hair before slamming him into the turnbuckle and jumping off the middle rope with a single leg drop kick the sends Ion to the outside. RVD teases a dive, but Ion gets out of the way before he can leap. Ion gets back in the ring and is able to lock in a head lock, but RVD fights out, only to take a dropkick to the knee. Ion catches RVD with a shoulder to the gut, then a second. He leaps into the ring with a crazy DDT that’s good for another near fall. Ion beats on RVD in the corner with a series of stomps before sending RVD across the ring and running into a back elbow. RVD heads to the top, but Ion pushes him off into the guardrail. Ion dives over the top and wipes out RVD. Ion chokes RVD on the middle rope before kicking him in the side of the head. Ion drives his shoulder into RVD’s back before blasting him with a big forearm to the side of the head. RVD reverses a whip across the ring and tries for a monkey flip, but Ion drops him down face first into the top turnbuckle before heading to the top and taking out RVD with a missile dropkick. Ion kicks RVD in the gut, but ends up tossed up into the air and hit with a dropkick to the gut. Van Dam hits rolling thunder and heads to the top. He hits the five star frog splash and goes for the cover.

Winner and NEW X-Division Champion: Rob Van Dam

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Magnus

JB is backstage alongside Magnus. A fan from Twitter wants to know if it’s the most important match of Magnus’ career. Magnus says it’s the biggest night of the year for the company. The night when he gets the chance to become the World TV Champion. But tonight, he’s free, broken out of political prison. Joe can’t hide behind Hulk Hogan anymore. He asks how Joe can follow up his most disappointing loss.

TNA TV Title: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Magnus

Joe and Magnus lock up and Magnus goes after Joe’s arm. Both men wrestle down to the mat and reverse each other’s hold. Back on their feet we get another lock up. Magnus backs Joe into the corner and breaks clean. Yet another lock up and Magnus backs Joe into the corner again, trying to whip him across the ring. Joe reverses and runs in with a back splash in the corner, and a huge kick. Joe peppers Magnus with right hands before it’s broken up by the ref. This allows Magnus to sneak in a sucker punch, which allows him to score with a couple of uppercuts. Magnus with more uppercuts. Joe fires back with open slaps but Magnus drops him with a big driver. 2 count for Magnus. Magnus rams Joe back into the corner. Joe runs into a boot but caches Magnus with an atomic drop. Joe with a senton for a close 2 count. Joe with a big snap slam for another pin attempt. Joe catches Magnus with a powerbomb for another 2 count. Joe goes for the crossface and locks it in. Magnus goes for the ropes but Joe pulls his arms back and tightens the hold. Magnus finally gets a rope break. Joe headbutts him to the apron. Magnus with a big knee to the mouth and Joe falls to the mat. Magnus goes to the top for the elbow drop and nails it but Joe kicks out at 2. Joe gets riled up and fires away with rights. Joe goes for the rear-naked choke but it’s countered. 2 count by Magnus. Joe goes for the choke again but it’s blocked with a jawbreaker. Magnus takes out Joe’s knee and he goes down. Magnus attempts a figure-four, but Joe locks in the choke and gets the submission win to retain.

Winner and STILL TNA TV Champion: Samoe Joe

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Bobby Roode

JB interviews Bobby Roode. Roode says this hatred can change lives. They’ve hated each other their entire careers. If King Mo thinks he’s going to get in the way he’s got another thing coming. Roode reminds Storm that he’s never beaten him, and after the last time Roode won, he took his ball and went home, and after tonight, he’ll send him home forever.

Street Fight: James Storm vs. Bobby Roode (Special Enforcer: King Mo)

The match begins and Roode throws the first punch, but Storm backs him up with punches of his own and a clothesline. Storm heads into the corner and takes a couple of punches from Roode, but hits him with another clothesline and a big right hand in the corner before whipping him across the ring and hitting a big back body drop. Roode is able to back drop Storm to the floor, but he lands on his feet, yanks Roode out to the apron and kicks him in the head. Roode is able to send Storm off for a bit, but a quick stare down with King Mo leads to another clothesline from Storm. Storm takes Roode around ringside and slams him into a chair, but Roode is able to whip Storm into the guardrail. Roode charges, but Storm catches him with a Russian leg sweep, driving Roode’s head into the guardrail. Storm points at the announce table and he tries for the eye of the Storm, but Roode drops out of it and hits him with an elbow. Storm is bleeding from the forehead as Roode heads under the ring to grab a trash can. Roode grabs a chair a drives it into Storm’s midsection before whacking him across the back. Roode sends Storm back into the ring where a chair and trash can await before he grabs a kendo stick. Roode heads back into the ring and wedges a chair in the ropes in the corner. This allows Storm to grab the kendo stick and hit Roode across the back. Storm places the garbage can in between Roode’s legs and uses the kendo stick to swing for the fences. Storm winds up with the trash can lid, but misses his shot and tumbles out to the entrance ramp. Roode goes for a trash can shot, but Storm catches him with a shoulder to the gut. Storm pulls Roode out through the ropes, with a suspension DDT a la Randy Orton, and drops him on the entrance ramp. Roode is cut open, but Storm is pouring blood, his whole face is covered. Storm charges Roode, but gets put down with a spinebuster on the ramp. Storm falls out to the floor and Roode follows. Storm hits Roode with a right and takes a sip of a fans beer. Roode comes back and fights Storm around the ring, but Storm is able to slam Roode head first into the announcer’s table. Storm stands on top of the table and tries for a suplex, but Roode fights it off. The two trade rights, and Roode spears Storm off the announcer’s table and through another table beside it. Roode argues with Earl Hebner in the corner, and King Mo is in to break it up. Roode shoves Mo, so Mo shoves back, sending Roode into a code breaker from Storm. Storm gets to his feet and psychs himself up, hitting the last call superkick, but it’s not enough for a three count. Roode seats Storm on the top turnbuckle before heading back to the outside under the ring. Roode grabs another chair and uses it to blast Storm across the back. He goes under the ring again and grabs a bag that’s filled with thumbtacks, spreading them all across the ring. Roode heads up after Storm and tries for the superplex, but Storm fights it off with rights, pushing Roode off into the thumbtacks. Roode hits Storm with a low blow before bailing to the outside again. Roode has tacks stuck all over the back of his body. Roode grabs a six pack of beer bottles and heads back into the ring. He opens one, and tries to use it, but Storm hits him with a low blow. Storm grabs a beer and opens it, blasting Roode with a shot to the head. Storm hoists Roode up and superkicks him onto the tacks. Storm pins him and gets the three count and the victory.

Winner: James Storm

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Joey Ryan

JB is backstage along with Joey Ryan. Ryan says he just wants to speak the truth. The truth is he should have been handed a contract before ever appearing on Gut Check, but he went through with it, became a world wide trend on twitter, and had 87% of fans asking for him, but TNA said no. Tonight though, when he defeats Al Snow, he’ll become a full time member of the roster. Opposites attract, and on one hand you have the disgusting Al Snow, best known for talking to a head, and you have Joey Ryan, known for his good looks and rockstar charisma. Tonight, Joey Ryan is bringing sleazy back to Bound For Glory.

Al Snow vs. Joey Ryan

The bell rings, and Joey Ryan goes through the ropes and begs off before anything even starts. Al Snow gets down into referee’s position, and Joey goes for the advantage, but Snow takes Joey to the mat and slaps at his head. Ryan backs into the corner to force the ref to back Snow off. Snow gets down into position again and Ryan goes for a kick, but Snow catches his foot and slams him down to the mat. Ryan goes for a right, but Snow avoids it and slaps him in the mouth. Snow blasts Ryan with a shot to the back before taking him into the corner. Snow drops an elbow on Ryan. Snow takes Ryan back down to the mat and locks in a front face lock. Ryan fights up to his feet and Snow grabs him by the hair, arguing with the ref. Ryan pulls Snow down to the mat by his hair before hitting him with a big right hand. Ryan executes a big suplex, but only gets a one count. Ryan hits Snow with a right hand before choking him with his boot in the corner. Snow grabs a hand full of Ryan’s chest hair before hitting the Snow plow, but Ryan is able to kick out at two. The crowd chants that they want Head, so Snow bails to the outside and goes under the ring where he comes up with the familiar weapon. Snow brings it back into the ring and the ref grabs it, allowing Joey to shove Snow into the ref. Joey hits Ryan with a big dropkick that sends him to the outside. Ryan grabs Head and kisses it before tossing it aside. Ryan goes for a baseball slide and Snow traps him in the ring apron before hitting him with a series of clubbing blows. Snow grabs Head but out of the blue, Matt Morgan comes out and wipes out Snow. Morgan throws Snow back in the ring and Ryan pins him. Ryan wins.

Winner and NEW TNA Roster Member: Joey Ryan

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Kazarian & Daniels

JB is backstage with Kazarian and Christopher Daniels. Kaz says they aren’t influenced by Twitter or the fans. A lot of people consider them a bad influence. Daniels says bad meaning good. Daniels says everyone wants to be where they are. They’ve already beaten both teams one at a time, and now the deck is stacked. Daniels doesn’t care because on the biggest stage of TNA history, the best tag team in the business is going to eat them alive and wash them down with a delicious beverage.

TNA Tag-Team Titles: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian (c) vs. Kurt Angle & AJ Styles vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

It’s going to be Chavo starting out with Styles. They lock up and trade holds. AJ drops Chavo and tags in Angle. Angle works over Chavo in the corner and drops him with an uppercut. More offense in the corner from Angle. Chavo comes right back and they go at it. Angle slams Chavo and Daniels tags himself in. Angle kicks Daniels on his way out and Styles tags himself in. Chavo drops Styles and in comes Hernandez for some double teaming. Hernandez with a bearhug and a big overhead suplex. Chavo tags in for more double teaming. Another tag to Hernandez for even more double teaming and a 2 count. Angle slams Daniels into his own corner and AJ makes the tag. AJ comes in and Chavo takes over, making the tag to Hernandez, who comes in with a bear hug before hitting a big overhead release suplex. Hernandez tags in Chavo who comes in with a slingshot splash before letting Hernandez slam him down on top of AJ. Hernandez tags back in and comes in with a big splash on AJ. Kaz makes the tag and beats on AJ for a bit before being caught with a dropkick. AJ brings things to his corner to make the tag to Angle. Angle takes Kaz down to the mat before being pushed into the corner for Chavo to make the tag. Chavo beats down Kaz in the corner, stomping away at him before sending him into his own corner to make the tag to Hernandez. Hernandez comes in and drops Kaz with a big backbreaker across his shoulder. Chavo tags back in and hits a running leg drop which is good for a near fall. Daniels tags in, but so does Styles. Daniels is able to take Styles down to the mat, but Styles takes Daniels over with a head scissors. He’s caught out of nowhere by a clothesline from Kaz on the outside. Daniels takes Styles down to the mat and makes the tag, hitting an elbow drop followed by Kaz’s leg drop which is good for a two count. Daniels tags back in and kicks away at AJ before Kaz tags back in and we get some double team combo work. Kaz goes for the pin but it’s broken up by Chavo. Kaz sends Styles into the corner, monkey flipping him, but Styles lands on his feet. Angle and Daniels tag in and Angle suplexes just about everyone before being taken out by a dive from Daniels to the outside. Hernandez in kind dives out on top of Daniels. Styles goes to the top rope, leaping from rope to rope before springboarding to the outside on top of Hernandez, Daniels, and Kaz. Chavo and Angle back in the ring and Chavo hits two suplexes, but gets hit with an Angle slam before he can hit the third. Angle goes up, but he’s stopped by Hernandez. Styles makes the blind tag and pulls Angle down. Hernandez breaks a double clothesline, but falls to a double suplex. Chavo sidesteps Kurt and Angle falls to the outside. Styles sends Chavo from the ring, but he’s dropped by Kaz. Daniels hits the BME, but Styles kicks out. Daniels tries for Angle’s wings, but Styles blocks it and hits the moonsault reverse DDT out of the corner. Styles tries for the Styles clash, but Hernandez tags in and hits Daniels with a big shoulder block, then a Border toss. Chavo then hits the Frogsplash. Hernandez makes the cover and we have new tag-team champions!

Winners and NEW TNA Tag-Team Champions: Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

TNA Knockouts Title: Miss Tessmacher (c) vs. Tara

Brooke tries for a roll up early, but can’t get it. Tessmacher even dances in Tara’s face before going for another pin. Brooke hits a headscissors that sends Tara to the outside. Brroke chases Tara around the ring, then pulls the ref in front of her for the distraction. This allows Tara to hit a baseball slide to send Brooke from the apron to the outside. Tara follows and slams Brooke’s face into the apron before picking her up and dropping her down face first on the apron. Tara sends things back into the ring, following herself. Tara mounts Brooke from behind and rubs her face down into the mat before pulling her back by her hair. Tara tries for the pin and gets a two count. Tara sends Brooke into the corner but runs into a big boot. Brooke hits a headscissors that transitions into a DDT. Tara and Brooke trade blows before slamming each other’s faces into the canvas. They fight up to their feet where Brooke hits a couple of clotheslines and a running forearm. Brooke takes Tara down to the mat and heads for the top rope, hitting a top rope hurricanrana. Tara hits Brooke with a back elbow before seating her on the top turnbuckle. Tara follows up, but ends up shoved back down to the mat. Brooke stands on the top and goes for an elbow drop, but Tara moves and Brooke crashes to the mat. Tara hits the Widow’s Peak and gets the three count. We have a new champ.

Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara

No DQ Match: Sting & Bully Ray vs. Aces & 8’s

Sting and Bully Ray come out. Ray has his face painted up. Aces and 8’s are introduced next, and a couple of guys make their way out through the crowd dragging a beat up Joseph Parks with them. They bring Parks to the ringside area and handcuff him to the barricade. Sting and Bully make their way out to attack. They take the members of Aces and 8’s around the ringside area, slamming them into the ring steps and barricade. Sting slams one of the members through part of the remaining table from Roode/Storm earlier. Ray catches a couple of punches from the guy he’s fighting, getting his head slammed into the ring steps. Sting ends up slammed head first into the announcer’s table. Sting is able to fight back and hold one of the members of Aces and 8’s up, allowing Bully to hit a flying axe handle smash from the ring steps. Bully picks up part of the table and smashes it over one of the guys’ heads. Bully tries to whip one of the guys into the ring steps, but it’s reversed and Bully eats the steps. Sting tries for a splash, but the guy moves and Sting crashes into the guardrail. Aces and 8’s bring things back into the ring where they slam Sting down to the mat. I’m just going to call them #1 and #2. #1 hits a short arm clothesline and pins Sting for a two count. #2 tags in and launches #1 into Sting in the corner before hitting a big clothesline for a two count. #2 hits a big boot to take Sting to the mat for another two count. #1 tags back into the match and slams Sting down to the mat hard before trying for an elbow drop. He misses and Sting comes back, locking in the scorpion death lock. #2 breaks it up, and #1 tries for a suplex, Sting lands on his feet and hits the scorpion death drop. Both guys tag out. Bully eats a knee to the back from the outside, and Aces and 8’s double team Bully until he connects with a double clothesline and a big splash to #2 for a two count. #1 is in and he blasts Ray with a couple of punches to the face while #2 fights with Sting on the outside. #1 grabs a chair and brings it into the ring, but he runs into a big boot from Bully. Another one of the Aces and 8’s members comes in and low blows Bully Ray. #3 spits at Parks, and Parks freaks out, breaking the handcuffs and making his way into the ring. He chases #3 up the entrance ramp, beating him all the way toward the back. Back in the ring, Bully and Sting are distracted and they’re taken out by both members of Aces and 8’s. Ray tosses #2 from the ring and gets #1 on his shoulders, setting Sting up to hit the doomsday device clothesline. Ray and Sting send #2 across the ring and Ray and Sting both splash him. Ray bails to the outside to grab a table and the crowd goes nuts. Bully brings the table back into the ring and sets it up right in the middle of the ring. Bully picks up #2, but #1 pulls Sting from the ring and drives him into the barricade. Another member of Aces and 8’s comes out and puts Bully Ray through the table. #2 pins him for a count of three.

Winners: Aces & 8’s

After The Match:

After the match, more members of Aces & 8’s come out. Hulk Hogan’s music then hits. Hogan heads down to the ring, laying out members of Aces and 8’s on his way to the ring with right hands. #4 tries to beat down Hogan, but he shakes everything off and points at #4. He hits him with a series of rights and tries to his the big boot, hitting him somewhere around the belly button. Hogan asks the crowd if they want him to pull off the mask. Hogan pulls it off and pulls off the bandana as well, revealing Devon. Devon smiles and laughs before simply walking out of the ring, saying it was always him. Ray, Hogan and Sting are in shock in the ring as the audience boos and Tenay and Taz talk about how shocked they are. Tenay reminds everyone that this means that Aces and 8’s has full access to TNA now.

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Austin Aries

JB is standing backstage with Austin Aries. Aries says every time he says something, he says something he’s not supposed to. Hardy has been working toward this for a long time, and needs this for his redemption. The problem is he’s got to go through the greatest man who ever lived. Tonight, he’s going to do things with anger, like he did on Thursday. This is not Hardy’s redemption song, it’s just another chapter in Aries’ story.

TNA World Title: Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy

The bell rings and we get some dueling chants from the crowd. We get a lock up and Aries backs Hardy up into the corner, getting shoved back hard by Hardy. Another lock up and Aries takes Hardy down to the mat, clamping on a head lock. Hardy fights to his feet and tries to send Aries across the ring, but Aries hangs on to the head lock. Aries locks on a body scissors, but Hardy slaps Aries to force him out of the ring to the entrance ramp. Aries sends Hardy out to the apron and Hardy comes back in with a roll up, but Aries jumps out and connects with a dropkick that rocks Hardy. Aries leaps over the top rope and comes down with an elbow to Hardy’s throat before doing a victory lap, and then doing it in reverse. Aries heads back into the ring, stopping to prop himself on the top turnbuckle. Hardy charges in but Aries avoids it. Aries tells the ref to back Hardy up, but Hardy chages in and kicks the rope into Aries’ groin on his way in. Hardy hits a brainbuster which is good for a two count. Aries rolls to the outside and Hardy hits a dropkick through the ropes. Hardy mocks Aries before leaping from the apron to the outside with a double axe handle sash. Hardy goes for the steps, but Aries cuts him off. Aries tries to whip Hardy into the steps, but it’s reversed. Hardy sends Aries into the barricade before leaping off the ring steps and crushing Aries into the barricade again. Hardy sends Aries back into the ring and he goes for the pin but he’s only able to get a two count. Aries whips Hardy across the ring and runs into a back elbow, but he avoids the whisper in the wind. Aries heads to the middle rope and drops an elbow which is good for a two count. Aries hits Hardy with a big right hand before sending him into the corner. Aries runs into a big boot, but when Hardy tries for a splash, Aries gets his knees up and Hardy crashes down into them. Aries picks Hardy up and drops him with a backbreaker across the knee. Aries locks in a seated abdominal stretch, wearing away Hardy before going for the pin and getting two. Aries takes Hardy into the corner and buries his shoulder in Hardy’s midsection. Aries hits the snap mare out of the corner before hitting a dropkick from the second rope to the back of Hardy’s head, which is good for another two count. Aries tries for the brainbuster, but Hardy fights it off. Aries heads to the apron and hits a slingshot corkscrew press for another near fall. Aries puts on a front face lock to continue to wear away at Hardy. Aries goes for the knees to the top of the head, but it’s blocked by Hardy. Hardy fights up to his feet and ducks a clothesline, launching Aries across the ring. Aries looks stunned. Aries gets his boot up in the corner, but leaps down into an atomic drop. Hardy hits a couple of boots and a low dropkick for a two count. Hardy slams Aries from corner to corner before connecting with the whisper in the wind. Hardy goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Hardy tries for the twist of fate, but he’s pushed away. Hardy is able to send Aries to the outside with a headscissors. Hardy leaps over the top, but Aries slides back into the ring to avoid it. Aries leaps out through the bottom and middle rope to sandwich Hardy against the barricade. Aries rolls back into the ring. Hardy gets to his feet, and Aries launches himself through the ropes again. He gets Hardy back into the ring, but he can’t keep him down for a three count. Aries clamps on the front face lock and floats over into the last chancery. Hardy gets his leg on the ropes to force a break. Aries picks Hardy up to his feet and tosses him out on the entrance ramp. Aries tries for the brainbuster, but Hardy floats over. Hardy tries for a twist of fate, but Aries pushes him off and clotheslines him hard. Aries drops Hardy with a neckbreaker, dropping the back of his head on the entrance ramp. Aries heads to the top rope and leaps off with a missile dropkick. Hardy struggles to his feet in the corner and blocks the dropkick with a boot to the face. Hardy and Aries trade rights in the middle of the ring. Hardy gets the upper hand, but runs into an elbow. Hardy hits the twist of fate out of nowhere but still can’t get three. Hardy heads up to the top. Aries dives into the ropes and Hardy is crotched in the corner. Aries connects with a crazy top rope super hurricanrana. Aries finally hits Hardy with the brainbuster but Hardy somehow kicks out at two. Aries puts Hardy on the top rope and tries hitting a double kick, but misses. Hardy hits Aries with a stunner followed by a twist of fate. Hardy hits the swanton off the top and pins Aries. 1…2…3. New champ.

Winner and NEW TNA World Champion: Jeff Hardy