Home News Impact On Pop Results: New TNA Champion, Big Return, The Miracle

Impact On Pop Results: New TNA Champion, Big Return, The Miracle

Impact On Pop Results: New TNA Champion, Big Return, The Miracle

IMPACT Wrestling On Pop Premiere
1/5/16 from Bethlehem, PA
Report via Greg Beck & WrestlingNews.co

We are live with IMPACT Wrestling’s official debut on Pop TV.

New graphics, new opening song (by Billy Corgan). Josh Mathews and The Pope kick off the show.

Dixie Carter is in the ring. She thanks the fans and Pop TV. She says that she picked this network as TNA’s new home because Pop is about fandom. She talks about TNA entering it’s 15th year. She says TNA is committed to making 2016 the most exciting year for TNA. She says that wrestling has always been a vital part of pop culture and nothing is more vital to wrestling than the World Heavyweight Championship. Ethan Carter (with Tyrus) interrupts.

EC3 said that he wants to have a good ole fashioned “airing of grievances.” He says that grievance number 1 is that Dixie was upset when he beat Angle for the title. He said that Dixie was upset because he defended the title successfully each and every week. Grievance number 3 is that she loves him but he doesn’t have the title because of her. He said it is not over until he wins the title tonight. He promised to become 2-time champion tonight. Dixie tells him to take a long, hard look in the mirror so he could see what he has become. She says that Matt Hardy won the championship but EC3 used lawyers and attorneys to get his way and most people feel that Matt was robbed. She asked how it makes him feel. Fans chanted for “Hardy.” Matt Hardy’s music plays and he comes out. Matt declared that he will be the World Heavyweight Champion because it’s his destiny Eric Young attacks Hardy. EC3 and Tyrus joined in. Lashley ran into the ring and cleaned house. Lashley locked Tyrus in a choke but Eric Young attacked. Lashley turned things around, though. Hardy got back up and tossed EC3 out of the ring. Hardy and Young brawled at ringside and then back into the ring while EC3 and Tyrus attacked Lashley.

Commercial break.

EC3 vs. Lashley (semi-final match)

They are off to a good start. This is a good back and forth match. There was a little interference from Tyrus but most of the action took place in the ring. EC3 won the match with a roll up after Tyrus jumped on the apron to distract Lashley. EC3 advances.

Kurt Angle is shown backstage. He says that he has something to say in the ring.

Commercial break.

They aired a teaser for “The Miracle.”

They show Bobby Roode arriving earlier today. Roode says that tonight he will back it up tonight and his open challenge is laid out to anyone from any promotion because tonight they will find out that it pays to be Roode.

Kurt Angle in-ring segment

Kurt Angle comes out to the ring in a suit. Angle says he’s been very blessed. He talks about his Olympic gold medals and his 13 world titles. He says he couldn’t have done it without the fans. Angle starts to get emotional as fans chant his name. Angle said that he has made it public that he will be stepping down. He names Rock, Austin, Undertaker, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, AJ Styles, Lashley, Roode, Eric Young, EC3 as great names that he has faced. He said that it is important to have high caliber matches for his farewell tour. Angle says that there is so much talent backstage…guys like Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. Angle says that he wants to wrestle Drew Galloway for his farewell tour. Galloway comes out and says that he is honored by the things Kurt said and he is honored to face Kurt Angle in the main event next week. Jessie Godderz interrupts. Jessie says that you are looking at “the man…the future of professional wrestling.” Jessie says that the fans want instant access to superstars like him. He talked about starring on CBS’ Big Brother for 7 years. Jessie says that HE (not Kurt) is the veteran on this network and on social media. Eli Drake interrupted. Drake says that the 3 dummies have bored the audience. He mocks Jessie for being cool with 13-year old girls. Drake says that “Anglesaurus” talks about the future of wrestling but failed to mention Eli Drake. Drake is really good on the mic. Good to see him featured in this segment. Drake says that anyone with 2 brain cells can look at Drew Galloway for the waste of space that he is. Drake tells Galloway to stand up and take a walk. Angle says Galloway does things with action but Drake is all talk. Angle says he’s got a few minutes and Drew probably has a few minutes. Angle dares Drake and Godderz to do something about it. A brawl breaks out between the four men in the ring.

The babyfaces get the better of the heels.

Jeremy Borash is backstage and he is trying to get an update on Matt Hardy’s condition. Jeff comes out of the dressing room and says that his brother will be champion by the end of the night.

Commercial break.

They plugged the live One Night Only pay-per-view that airs this Friday night.

Matt Hardy vs. Eric Young (semi-final)

Eric Young is already in the ring as they come back from commercial. Young tells the referee to count Matt Hardy out but Hardy’s music comes out and he limps to the ring. The match is on. Late in the match there was a spot with Young hitting Matt with a piledriver on the floor. Jeff came down to check on his brother but Young nailed him with a baseball slide kick from inside of the ring. Young had things in control and went for a dive from the top rope but Matt caught him in a diamond cutter. Matt Hardy gets the pin. He advances to the finals and will face EC3.

Commercial break.

Eric Young is angry backstage. He says everyone is against him. Meanwhile, in another section of the backstage area we see EC3 and Tyrus walking up to Jeff Hardy. They talk trash. Jeff says that his brother will win and EC3 won’t have anyone to blame after tonight.

King Of The Moutain Championship – Bobby Roode vs. Bram

Bram comes out and says that this is his year. Bram wants to accept the open challenge. Decent match. Roode wins. Young attacks Roode. Young tried to hit a piledriver but Roode reverses and takes out Young but Bram hits Roode with a low blow. James Storm comes into the ring and he clears house. Josh Mathews says that he thought Storm wasn’t part of Impact Wrestling anymore. Storm said that he left Impact several months ago because he didn’t like who he was portraying. Storm said that he’s a beer drinking, Johnny-Cash listening beer drinker from Tennessee. He said that he wasn’t having fun anymore. Storm said that he was sitting at home and came across Impact Wrestling and saw that he got the “biggest disappointment” award. Storm said that he put everything he had into this company for 13 years. He said that guys like him made this damn company. Storm looked at Roode and said that they drank a lot of beer together. He said that they made a lot of money together. Storm says it’s time to get back to having fun. Storm cracks open a couple of beer bottles and gives one to Roode. Storm: “Beer?” Roode hesitates. Storm grabs it and says, “Money.” The old Beer Money theme plays. So it looks like Beer Money is back. Jeremy Borash interviews The Beautiful People. Angelina says she’s not wrestling since she is pregnant but she will be in the corner of Velvet and Madison tonight. Velvet says they are not weak pathetic copies like The Dollhouse. They will be picking a partner to fill in for Angelina.

Commercial break.

Beer Money is backstage. They reveal that they will face EY and Bram on Friday at the One Night Only PPV.

The Beautiful People vs. The Dollhouse

Rebel is the new leader of the Dollhouse. She replaces Taryn Terrell. Gail Kim is filling in for Angelina Love. Decent match. Gail got the win but The Dollhouse attacked after the match. Awesome Kong’s music plays and she comes out to the ring. The Dollhouse looks scared as Kong enters the ring but Kong attacks Madison and Velvet. Fans boo. Velvet took a bump before Kong made contact. Kong hits the implant buster on Gail Kim. Kong poses in the ring with The Dollhouse.

Commercial break.

Apparently they handed out paddles since there are people holding paddles with the Pop logo on it.

The Miracle debuts

Maria Kanellis comes out first as the lights dim down. She cuts a good promo. She says we are hoping and praying that someone will save professional wrestling. She says we want a miracle because she does and his name is Mike Bennett. Bennett then appears on the stage. He’s wearing a suit and he and Maria walk to the ring. Bennett said that he is the baddest mofo on the show and he is your pro wrestling Jesus. Bennett referred to himself as “your new hero.” He said that pro wrestling needs a miracle because wrestling used to be fun and exciting and it was mainstream when he was a kid. He said wrestling is filled with washed up people that call themselves pro wrestlers. He said that later on tonight Matt Hardy will battle for the TNA world title against EC3 but that is not the moment that will save pro wrestling. He said that the miracle will be when he has the TNA world title and he raises it over his head as fans chant “go Bennett go.” Fans booed him. Matt is shown backstage with his wife and baby. Matt talks about his match tonight. He says he will fulfill his destiny and will become champion.

Commercial break.

ackstage, Drew Galloway thanks Kurt Angle for the opportunity. He says that he is not taking it lightly. Angle said he will not go down without a fight. He told Drew that he is the future. The Wolves walk up. They suggest a dream match. Drake and Godderz then walk up and they make a challenge. Godderz/Drake vs. The Wolves vs. Galloway/Angle this Friday night at the ONO PPV.

Matt Hardy vs. EC3 (TNA World Championship Final)

Jeff Hardy and Tyrus are at ringside. Pop has given them an overrun so this show will go past 11pm eastern. Jeff suggested that he and Tyrus leave the ringside area and he agreed so this should be a one on one match without interference. Before the match started, they played a teaser for Pop TV’s “Schitt’s Creek.”

The Schitt’s Creek promo ran for several minutes. The match starts and Josh tells us that there will be no more commercial breaks so the title match will go on interrupted. Good back and forth match. It looked like Hardy had the match one after hitting a twist of fate but EC3 landed on his stomach so Matt couldn’t get the pin. EC3 hits the 1 percenter and goes for the pin but Matt kicks out. EC3 yells at Matt to stay down but Matt suprises him with a twist of fate. 1-2.. kick out by EC3. Matt sets up EC3 on the turnbuckle. Matt goes for a twist of fate but EC3 blocks it and hits the 1 percenter off the top rope. EC3 is the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

That’s the end of the show.