Home News TNA Impact Wrestling Results – June 25, 2015

TNA Impact Wrestling Results – June 25, 2015


TNA Impact Wrestling Results
Taped at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida
Aired on June 25, 2015 on Destination America
Report by ProWrestling.net

[Q1] Josh Mathews checked in on commentary as EC3 and Tyrus were shown walking backstage. Jeremy Borash approached the duo and asked EC3 for info about the opponent he had chosen for Kurt Angle. EC3 said it’s someone with a legacy in the industry… A video recap was shown… Mathews was joined on commentary by “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero…

Kurt Angle headed to the ring carrying the TNA Championship. Angle said EC3’s campaign for the title is coming to an end. He said he will finally be able to shut him up in one week. Angle asked for EC3 to bring out his mystery opponent.

EC3 and Tyrus walked onto the stage. EC3 said he is going to beat Angle next week. He spoke about how he is unbeaten and has beaten Bully Ray and everyone else he has faced. Angle said EC3 is obsessed with the TNA Title and himself. He asked how many hours a day he spends in front of a mirror.

Angle said a good ego is healthy, but EC3 has gone way too far and it’s going to bite him on the ass. Angle said Dixie Carter and Tyrus can’t help him anymore. Angle said he’s going to end EC3’s unbeaten streak by making him tap out. EC3 said he’ll never tap. EC3 introduced Matt Hardy as Angle’s opponent for later in the show…

Mathews said he didn’t believe Angle and Hardy had met in a singles match before. Mathews and Pope previewed the rest of the show… Low Ki made his entrance for the X Division Title match…

[Q2] 1. Low Ki vs. Grado vs. Tigre Uno in an elimination match for the vacant X Division Championship. Mathews pimped Dixie’s Twitter page. Low Ki was cleared from the ring early. Uno tried and failed to slam Grado, who then bodyslammed him. A short time later, Low Ki performed a double stomp of the top on Grado and pinned him to eliminate him from the match in 2:20.

Uno went on an offensive flurry and performed a corkscrew moonsault and pinned Low Ki in 5:05. Confetti fell into the ring. After the match, Christy Hemme entered the ring and asked Tigre how it felt to win the title. He said it’s the greatest night of his life…

Tigre Uno defeated Low Ki and Grado in an elimination match to win the X Division Title.

Backstage, Bram took control of an interview that Jeremy Borash was trying to conduct. He called out any former TNA star for a match. After Bram left the picture, a man put his gloved hand (or a woman with one massive gloved hand) on Borash’s shoulder. “It’s time,” Borash said… [C]

The Dollhouse hung out on their porn set. Taryn Terrell complained about Marti and Jade losing last week. They blamed each other.

[Q3] Taryn said the three of them would face Awesome Kong and Brooke on Sunday… Mathews pushed Slammiversary. He hyped Magnus vs. James Storm, Jessie Godderz vs. Robbie E, and then announced Lashley and Mr. Anderson vs. Tyrus and EC3 for the pay-per-view…

2. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky. Love cut a promo before the match and noted that it was Velvet’s one chance to earn her roster spot back. Velvet wore a Motley Crue shirt. In the end, Velvet kicked Sky and gave her the Stunner before pinning her. With the win, Velvet is back on the active roster…

Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love in 5:15.

Backstage, Austin Aries and Bobby Roode wore “Dirty Heels” t-shirts. Aries said he thought back to his training and doesn’t recall anything about tables, ladders, and chairs. Aries said they found the formula to beating The Wolves in a standard match, but this match may play right into their hands. Roode noted that there are no rules and they can be as dirty as they want… [C]

[Q4] A vignette aired with talk of how someone must bring balance and it concluded with the line “playtime is over”…

Backstage, MVP was on the phone when the backstage interviewer brought up rumors running rampant. MVP asked if he’s one of those “pathetic leeches that call themselves journalists with inside scoops.” He said anyone who stood in front of Beat Down Clan has laid down in front of them. He said when you’re in a war you lose a few battles but you attack again. He said they are stronger than ever…

3. The Wolves vs. Austin Aries and Bobby Roode in a Full Metal Mayhem match. The Wolves had the early advantage until they went for suicide dives and ended up running into a ladder that Aries and Roode held up. [C]

[Q5] The Wolves came back with some crowd pleasing offense. Aries ended up catching Davey Richards in the Last Chancery, but Eddie Edwards broke it up with a trash can shot to Aries. Roode set up a table in the middle of the ring at 12:55. He picked up Edwards and then Aries performed a missile dropkick on Edwards and Roode powerbombed him in the same motion. Richards broke up the pin.

Aries dropkicked a ladder into Edwards. Richards caught Rood with a kick and had him pinned, but Aries broke it up. The Wolves put a trash can over the head of Aries and then slammed a chair over it. They went to opposite corners and both men dropkicked the trash can that was still over Aries’ head.

Edwards picked up Aries and Richards went to the ropes with a chair. Roode entered the the ring with a chair and took out Richards, then performed a low-blow on Edwards and pinned him…

Austin Aries and Bobby Roode beat The Wolves in 15:55 to even the best of five series at two wins each.

Backstage, Borash interviewed Matt Hardy, who said he was as surprised as anyone that EC3 picked him. Hardy noted that his son was born yesterday. He started to call EC3 a piece of shit, but EC3 interrupted him and said Hardy owes him one. Hardy asked EC3 what his legacy will be if Angle makes him tap out…

Mathews and Dinero spoke at ringside about the Angle vs. Hardy match. They shifted their focus to Bram calling out former members of the TNA roster. Pope started saying “what?” repeatedly while looking off-camera.

Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett walked into the studio. Jarrett wore a Global Force Wrestling t-shirt. The Jarretts shook hands with the broadcast team. The fans chanted “welcome back.” Jarrett thanked them and asked if hell has frozen over.

Jarrett asked what the co-founders of GFW were doing in a TNA ring. He said he would address some points and not others. He said he got a text from TNA management last week saying they had a proposal. Jarrett said he didn’t initially reply, but then he got to wondering what they want.

Jarrett took the conference call. He said they told him they want him to come back and take the match. He said he nearly hung up the phone when they said that. “I don’t even wrestle in my own promotion, so why would I wrestle here,” he said. Then he said they told him it was the King of the Mountain match, which he created.

Jarrett said they told him it wasn’t just any episode of Impact, it’s the 13th Anniversary of the company that he and his father co-founded. Jarrett said he started thinking of all the great moments he had in the Impact Zone. He recalled Jim Cornette announcing that Kurt Angle was jumping to TNA. He recalled Samoa Joe and Angle going at it, and he brought up A.J. Styles.

Jarrett brought up Beer Money and said they became probably the best team the company ever produced. He said Eric Young has more TV shows than Ryan Seacrest. Jarrett said he had to really think about how the proposal affect the GFW roster and the staff that had dug deep over the last 14 months.

Jarrett teared up as he asked how Karen was going to react to it. Karen took the mic and said she loves Jeff. She said that when he hung up the phone with TNA, she thought what now. She said they had moved on and GFW is there future. Karen said her emotions took over and she told him not to call them back because they had moved on. She said Jeff laid it out for her and she started to understand.

[Q6] Karen said TNA is Jeff’s baby and he started it with his father. She said she still doesn’t completely understand why they are there, but she loves her husband and supports him in whatever he does in life.

Karen said that she cried her eyes out earlier in the day while they were talking with Sonjay Dutt because they had left it in the rearview mirror. Sonjay told her that Jeff didn’t get to go out the way he wanted to go out. Karen said Jeff didn’t get to leave the way he wanted and he was fired on a backstage pre-tape. Karen said Jeff is going to leave TNA on his terms and he’s going to make things right the way that he knows how to do it.

Jeff took the mic back and said fans can bank on this. The King of the Mountain is declaring himself in the match one last time. He said he will be walking the TNA aisle one last time and reign King of the Mountain. Jarrett mentioned Toby Keith and said he looked him in the eyes two days ago and told him that Jeff may not be as good as he was once was, but once he’s as good as he ever was. Jarrett’s music played and he and Karen left the ring…

4. Bram vs. Vader. Yes, Big Van Vader, who is the man who had his gloved hand on Borash earlier. Vader wore a t-shirt and jogging pants along with his usual mask. The mask came off at one point. Late in the match, Vader performed a Vader Bomb for a two count.

Bram rolled to ringside and grabbed a wrench, which he jabbed into the gut of Vader and then slammed over his head for the DQ. Matt Morgan hit the ring and no-sold shots that Bram took at him. Morgan performed a fallaway slam on Bram and then clotheslined him to the floor…

Vader beat Bram by DQ in 4:15.

[Q7] [C] 5. Eric Young vs. Chris Melendez. Late in the match, Melnedez threw a series of forearms at Young, who came back with a piledriver for the win…

Eric Young defeated Chris Melendez in 3:45.

The broadcast team hyped Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy for after the break… [C]

After the break, the members of The Rising stood up for pathetic leeches everywhere by brawling with the members of the Beat Down Clan. Hernandez showed up. “Who is he with?” Mathews asked. Hernandez showed his hatred for leeches and attacked the members of The Rising. Hernandez performed the Border Toss on Drew Galloway…

[Q8] Mathews hyped the Angle vs. EC3 match for Slammiversary… Ring entrances for the main event took place. Mathews congratulated Hardy and his wife Reby Sky on the birth of their son yesterday… [C]

6. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy in a non-title match. Angle performed three German suplexes a few minutes into the match. He went for his finisher, but Hardy slipped away and performed the Side Effect for a two count. Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but Angle fought him off and performed the Angle Slam for a two count at 4:00.

Angle applied the ankle lock, but Hardy rolled through and went back on the offensive. Hardy went for a moonsault off the top rope, but Angle moved. Hey, that’s Angle’s go to missed move! Anyway, Angle performed two more German suplexes. Hardy came back with the Side Effect for another two count.

Hardy performed two more Side Effects and got another two count. Hardy performed the Twist of Fate for a good near fall at 6:40. Angle came right back with the ankle lock. Hardy tapped out quickly.

Kurt Angle defeated Matt Hardy in a non-title match in 7:05.

After the match, EC3 and Tyrus hit the ring and went after Angle. Hardy fought off EC3, but Tyrus took out Hardy. Angle performed the Angle Slam on Tyrus, then locked EC3 in the ankle lock. EC3 tapped repeatedly until Angle released the hold and then EC3 rolled out of the ring to end the show…

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