TNA Press Conference Recap: iMPACT! Moving to Mondays

TNA Monday iMPACT!
TNA iMPACT! Moving to Mondays

At today’s TNA press conference from the iMPACT! Zone in Orlando, TNA president Dixie Carter confirmed what leaked out over the weekend – that TNA iMPACT! will officially be moving to Monday nights on March 8th.

As previously reported, the 2-hour show will begin at 9pm (Eastern) and go head-to-head with WWE RAW for 2 hours. They will be live every other week.

Hulk Hogan came out says it’s “game time.” Hogan said being in TNA and taking them to Monday nights is bigger for him than any wrestling moment in his career. Hulk Hogan thanked TNA, Dixie Carer and her father Bob for all their help and giving him the opportunity to take TNA to the next level.

There was then a Q&A session.

Q: How long will TNA on Monday nights last? Will this be a 3-month experiment or is it a long-term thing?

A: Dixie Carter said, “Forever.” iMPACT! on Monday nights is a move they are committed to making and Spike is firmly behind them.

Q: Why go 9-11 instead of 8-10?

A: Dixie said they could have done either. They’ve moved time slots a number of times already and the fan base follows them wherever they go. Hogan said they want to go head-to-head. They want to take WWE head on. Everybody wants to see a fight and TNA wants to prove itself

What are Hulk Hogan’s thoughts about the first Monday Night War?

A: Hogan said it took WCW 6 months to get on their feet and start doing weekly shows in front of 15-20,000 people. He said TNA has a better roster and TNA does everything better. They will win the war because they have a better product.

Q: Were there any talks of iMPACT! going to 3 hours?

A: Dixie says no. There’s been talk of additional programming, but not a 3-hour iMPACT!

What kind of reaction are they expecting from Vince McMahon?

A: Hogan said he’ll give us the insider view on that – he expects no reaction. He said Vince doesn’t acknowledge his competition and will no-sell it, but the talent is cheering them on. The entire wrestling industry is a monopoly and people want TNA to succeed so there is another big company to possibly work for. Hogan said even though Vince won’t show he’s worried, WWE corporate is panicking.

Wha are Spike TV’s expectations for the ratings on Monday nights?

A: Dixie says they expect the rating to grow over time. This is a war and wars are fought over the long-term. If they can hold their Thursday rating (around a 1.2), they will be alright. Overall, they want to give wrestling fans something to be proud of and don’t want fans to be ashamed that they like wrestling.

Hogan summed everything by saying the atmosphere in TNA is like his church, where everybody is genuinely excited to be there.

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