Home News TNA Makes Big Change To Talent Contracts, More Departures Expected

TNA Makes Big Change To Talent Contracts, More Departures Expected


TNA is making a major change to their talent contracts that has a lot of people unhappy, with more departures expected in the coming months.

Most TNA stars have had a guaranteed monthly pay in addition to a per-appearance fee. Due to the latest round of ‘financial restructuring,’ those contracts with a guaranteed monthly downside are being dropped in favor of per-appearance deals.

In some cases, TNA will now be paying talents a little bit more per appearance than they were already making, with the idea being that it will make up for the loss of the base pay. If TNA increases their schedule to include more dates, talents could actually end up making even more money than they were making originally.

Regardless of the positive spin, many TNA performers are understandably upset by no longer having guaranteed money coming.

It’s worth noting that while most of the contracts will be changed to this new structure, a few high-profile guys like Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy will likely keep their existing agreements.

(Credit: PWInsider.com)