Home News TNA Turning Point 2012 PPV Results

TNA Turning Point 2012 PPV Results


TNA Turning Point PPV Opener:

Turning Point opens with Taz standing in the ring. He says he’s happy to work in a company where they help people effected by Hurricane Sandy. Taz points out that many in the Northeast had their lives changed by it, and he’s one of them. He brings out some special guests – Bully Ray, and Florida radio host Bucket head. Bucket head has a mic, as does Ray. Bucket head thanks the fans in the Impact Zone. He also thanks the American Red Cross for their relief efforts. Bucket head says they’re going to try to make a Guinness world record of everyone texting during a PPV. He’s going to give everyone specific instructions that will cost $10 on your cell phone bill if you’d like to participate. He asks everyone to pull out their phones and text ‘Redcross 1041? to the number 90999. Bucket head thanks the crowd again. Ray says let’s get this night started the right way, and then leads the crowd in a TNA chant. This leads us into a video package highlighting the Jeff Hardy/Austin Aries title match that will main event the show. The pyro hits and Todd Keneley welcomes us to the show. He’s sitting alongside Taz and Mike Tenay. They turn their attention to the #1 Contender triple threat match that will also lock one participant out of title contention for a year. They also discuss the World Title ladder match between Jeff Hardy and Austin Aries before throwing things down to the ring for the first match of the evening.

No DQ TNA T.V. Title: Samoa Joe vs. Magnus

The match begins and Joe and Magnus go right at it with forearms. Joe drives Magnus from the ring with a head butt, but when he follows he’s caught with a kick to the gut. Joe fights back, sending Magnus crashing into the barricade before laying in with a couple of punches. Magnus fights back with some rights of his own before cranking back on a head lock. Joe is able to send Magnus into the ring steps to break the hold, then he sends things back into the ring. Joe hits Magnus with a series of rights in the corner before hitting him with a snap mare and chopping Magnus in the back of the neck. Joe drops a knee for a two count. Joe hits Magnus with a great flying knee, wiping out the Brit. Joe hits the ropes and is caught off guard with a clothesline from Magnus. Magnus kicks at Joe’s head before hitting him with a series of forearms in the corner. Magnus chokes Joe for a bit before trying for a clothesline. Magnus misses and comes back with a high knee of his own to take out the big man. Magnus backs Joe into the corner, but ends up whipped across the ring. Joe follows with a backsplash and a Pele kick. Magnus rolls to the outside and grabs a chair, throwing it at Joe when Joe tries for a suicide dive. Magnus heads back into the ring and chokes Joe against the middle rope before hitting him with a running elbow to the back. Magnus drops a knee across Joe’s throat for a one count, and he’s immediately frustrated. Magnus clamps on a keylock hold, but Joe fights to his feet. Magnus clubs away at Joe, but ends up whipped into the corner. He gets his boot into Joe’s face, but jumps into an atomic drop. Joe misses a senton, but immediately recovers with a powerslam for another near fall. Joe hits the ropes and catches a leap frogging Magnus for a powerbomb. Joe goes for a pin but transitions right into an STF. Magnus gets to the ropes and is able to stand to his feet and fight Joe off. Magnus tries for the rear naked choke but Joe shrugs it off, then runs right into an arm bar. Joe rolls over, but Magnus is able to work into an arm breaker. Joe turns things into a pin for a one count. Joe stands and sits Magnus on the top rope. Joe teases the muscle buster, but Magnus fights him off. Joe hits Magnus with a huge chop and goes up after him. Magnus is able to stun Joe with a knee to the chest that drops him to the mat. Magnus heads to the top and drops an elbow drop on Joe’s heart. Magnus goes for the pin but Joe is able to kick out at two. Magnus sends Joe into the rope but eats a kick to the chest. Joe hits Magnus with a forearm and fights off a slam, hitting a huge chop. Joe hits the ropes but runs into a Michinoku driver from Magnus. Magnus climbs back up to the top rope for a second time, leaping off with another elbow drop to Joe’s heart. Magnus and Joe trade right hands in the middle of the ring. Joe gets in a couple of quick jabs, but misses a charge in the corner. Magnus charges, and Joe counters with an STO. Magnus rolls to the outside and goes for the chair again. Joe hits the ropes and dives over the top, wiping out Magnus with a spinning body press to the floor. Joe picks Magnus up to his feet and takes things back into the ring. Joe sits Magnus on the top rope and goes for the muscle buster again, connecting this time. Joe pins Magnus in the middle of the ring, but Magnus is able to kick out at two. Joe can’t believe it, Magnus is calling for more. Joe slaps Magnus repeatedly before locking in the rear naked choke. Magnus grabs at the ref, but he begins to fade. The ref grabs Magnus’ arm and drops it down, calling the match.

Winner and STILL TNA T.V. Champion: Samoa Joe

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews ODB & Eric Young

JB is standing backstage and of course he plugs TNA’s twitter presence before introducing ODB. ODB says she’s not sure if her hubby will be here tonight. EY runs in and says he knows he messed up. He’s been super busy and a shark ate his phone. EY asks if ODB can forgive him. ODB says she’s over it, it’s just about time he got off the boat and on his wife. ODB and EY begin making out, until JB reminds them of their match. This segment had way too many initials.

Tara & Jesse vs. ODB & Eric Young

ODB and Tara will be kicking things off. Tara begs off before locking up and backs into her corner. She consults with Jesse before tagging out. Jesse makes his way in and is rolled up. Jesse kicks out, and ends up getting caught with an atomic drop. ODB and EY both hit Jesse with rights before ODB rubs Jesse’s face into her chest. EY tags in and we get some double team action from ODB and EY. EY takes Jesse into the corner, but ends up whipped across the ring. He’s able to turn things around with a big hip toss. EY tags back out to ODB, who comes in and whips Jesse across the ring, coming in after him with a bronco buster. EY sets himself up in the corner and asks for one for himself. ODB sets up, but she’s shoved from behind by Tara. EY tags back in and stalks Tara, getting attacked from behind by Jesse. Jesse chokes EY in the ropes before hitting him with a back drop for a two count. Jesse hits EY with a couple of clubbing blows to the chest before tagging out to Tara. Jesse tags right back in and beats down on EY, stomping away at his head. Jesse tries for a belly to back suplex, but EY lands on his feet. Jesse is able to come up with a powerslam for another two count. ODB comes into the ring, but it only allows a distraction for Tara to come in and double team EY. The dirty tactics don’t work for long as ODB makes her way into the ring to break things up and allow EY to make the tag. ODB comes in and wipes out Jesse with a Thesz press and a series of punches to the head. Tara tries to break it up but she gets a slap for her troubles. ODB hits Tara with a couple of shoulder blocks before taking her out with a TKO. Jesse attacks ODB from behind, but EY makes the blind tag. ODB slams Jesse down to the mat and EY leaps off the top rope with a huge elbow drop for the pin and the win.

Winners: Eric Young & ODB

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews James Storm

JB is standing backstage alongside James Storm. Storm says tonight is a turning point in someone’s career. No one has prepared for this more than he has and he proved it at Bound for Glory when he showed that he’ll do anything to win a match. He say tonight, whoever he pins, sorry about their damn luck.

TNA X-Title: Rob Van Dam vs. Joey Ryan

Joey Ryan is the first man to make his way out to the ring, and he doesn’t get much of a reaction out of the crowd. He asks for a mic and says that Hulk Hogan thinks banning Morgan from ringside sets the odds against Ryan. Ryan says they don’t play by the rules, especially Hulk’s rules. He asked Morgan to stay in the back tonight because Hogan has underestimated him, and he’s defied the odds since the first night he got here. This leads to him calling out RVD for the match. RVD is out next and he gets a nice pop from the crowd on his way to the ring. The bell rings and Ryan and Van Dam begin circling each other. Ryan ducks a lock up and gloats about it, but RVD takes him down to the mat. Ryan rolls into the ropes, forcing RVD to walk away. Ryan gets up and puts on a headlock, but RVD takes Ryan down to the mat with a roll up. Ryan pops up and shoves RVD, but RVD comes right back with a series of kicks to take Ryan to the mat. RVD beats on Ryan in the corner, hitting him with a couple of shoulders to the gut before snap maring him out of the corner and hitting a springboard leg drop. RVD traps Ryan in the tree of woe, kicking him in the face before backing up for a low dropkick. Ryan slumps down in the corner and Van Dam lets him stand, monkey flipping him out of the corner and across the ring. RVD calls for rolling thunder, but Ryan rolls to the outside. RVD chases and brings Ryan back into the ring. Van Dam kicks Ryan in the head before leaping to the top rope. Ryan gets to his feet and shoves RVD off the top and out to the barricade on the floor. Ryan hits the ropes and dives through with a suicide dive to wipe out RVD. Ryan brings things back into the ring and goes for the pin, getting a quick two count. Ryan waits for RVD to stand and hits him with a big right hand. RVD sends Ryan across the ring, but Ryan heads to the top. Ryan tries for a tornado DDT, and is able to connect even though RVD tries to fight it off. Ryan is able to get another two count. Ryan stalks RVD, but RVD is able to whip him into the corner. Ryan avoids a monkey flip and catches RVD with a clubbing blow to the back before seating him on the top rope. Ryan heads up after RVD and connects with the mustache ride for another near fall. Ryan wrenches away at RVD’s neck, but RVD is able to fight to his feet and take Joey into the corner. RVD connects with a springboard thrust kick, taking Ryan to the mat. RVD connects with a couple of big clotheslines before setting up rolling thunder with a big kick. RVD hits a standing moonsault, but Ryan kicks out at two. Ryan catches RVD with a jawbreaker. Ryan tries for a pin, getting leverage in the ropes, but he only gets two. Ryan gets caught with a kick that takes him out. RVD heads to the top and goes for the five star frog splash. He gets it – and the victory to retain.

Winner and STILL TNA X Division Champion: Rob Van Dam

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Joseph Park

JB is backstage with Joseph Park. Park is sweating and he says he hopes Sting gets better. The attack on him on Thursday was uncalled for. He says he’s petrified because he’s going in the ring with the man who did that to Sting. He talks about what they did, depriving his rights by taking away his food. He asked Hulk Hogan for this match and he’s going to do his best. He asks JB if he thinks he has a shot at winning. In the end, he has to do what he said he would do. Tonight is about being a man, and he’ll probably get his butt kicked. But he’s going into the ring a man, and he’s coming out one too.

DOC vs. Joseph Park

Park charges DOC, but he’s taken down to the mat in a front face lock. DOC teases Park, avoiding him before locking in another front face lock and launching him across the ring. DOC tries to hit Park with a right in the corner, but Park avoids it and hits DOC with a right of his own. DOC charges Park, but can’t catch him. Park heads to the outside and DOC follows. DOC won’t allow Park to head to the back, grabbing a chair and swinging hard. Park ducks and DOC connects with the ring post. DOC charges and tries to punch Park, but Park moves again and DOC connects with the ring post. Park slams DOC’s hand into the ring steps. DOC chases Park around the ring, but Park moves again and DOC crashing into the barricade. Park brings things back into the ring, but runs right into a shot to the gut from DOC. DOC tries to use a belt, but the ref pulls it away from him. DOC heads to the outside and goes under the ring to grab a hammer. He scares off the ref, but he’s taken to the mat by Park, who rains down with punches. Park grabs the hammer and looks at it, but DOC attacks from behind before he’s able to use it. DOC mounts Park and pounds away before it’s broken up by the ref. DOC continues the assault, beating on Park with rights, and stomping away at the big man. DOC rips at Park’s face before dropping a big elbow and pinning Park for a two count. DOC drops a couple of huge right hands to a prone Park before choking him against the middle rope and taking advantage of the ref’s count. DOC hits the ropes and splashes Park, getting another near fall. DOC calls for Park to stand up, taunting him and peppering him with rights, telling him to stay down the whole time. DOC blasts Park with a series of right hands, but Park refuses to stay down. DOC hits a big kick to Park’s chest before laying in with more right hands. DOC plays to the crowd for a bit, but when he turns around Park is standing back up. Park tells DOC to bring it on, ducking a clothesline and coming up with a series of rights and lefts. Park hits a couple of kind of shoulder blocks. DOC is able to grab the studded belt and use it to blast DOC out of the ref’s sight and Park is busted open. Park notices the blood and looks at his hands. He goes into a trance, turning around and charging DOC. He hits a big clothesline, then a running clothesline in the corner. Park sends DOC into the ropes and hits the black hole slam. Park looks angry, then confused, then he snaps out of it. He turns around and DOC is laid out. Park leaps into the cover, but he’s only able to get a two count. DOC hits Park with a right that sends him to the outside. DOC continues to try to attack, shrugging off the ref. Park grabs the chair and whacks DOC across the back. Park tries for the cover, but he still can’t get three. DOC grabs Park around the throat and hits him with a chokeslam out of the blue for the pin.

Winner: DOC

After The Match:

Following the match, DOC immediately mounts Park and hits him with a series of right hands. He heads to the outside and grabs the hammer again, heading back into the ring and chasing off the ref once more. Bully Ray heads down to make the save, sending DOC running off to the back. Ray heads back into the ring to check on Park. Ray pulls Park to his feet and stares him down before raising his arm.

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Bobby Roode

JB is backstage with Bobby Roode. Roode says tonight he gets back in the game. It’s a clean slate, and tonight he’s getting in the ring with two guys who he has a lot in common with. Two guys who know what it’s like to be a World Champion. Tonight he’s going to prove he’s the It Factor of Pro Wrestling, and prove he’s the better man. He beat AJ Styles on Impact, and Storm might have won last month, but when he beats Storm tonight, Storm won’t have a title shot for an entire year. Tonight, Roode gets back in the title picture, and closer to regaining his World Championship.

TNA Tag-Team Titles: Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez vs. Christopher Daniel & Kazarian

Chavo and Daniels begin the match. Daniels backs Chavo into the corner. Chavo is able to fight him way out, and catch Daniels with an arm drag. Guerrero kicks away at Daniels before hitting him with a clubbing blow to the back. Chavo runs into a back elbow, but comes back with a hip toss to Daniels and Kaz. Daniels takes Chavo into the corner and whips him across the ring. Chavo leaps out of the corner and mounts Daniels with a series of punches. Chavo takes Daniels into the corner and hits him with a couple of rights. Kaz catches Chavo with a cheap shot that allows a distraction and lets the challengers double team the champs. Kaz tags in and hits a springboard leg drop for two. Daniels heads into the ring, and Hernandez takes out both men with a double clothesline. Hernandez back drops Daniels and this allows Chavo to body slam Kaz and tag out to Hernandez. Hernandez slams Chavo down into Kaz and goes for the pin, getting two. Both Hernandez and Chavo hit Kaz with a running clothesline in the corner before Hernandez hip tosses Kaz across the ring. Hernandez connects with a brainbuster before tagging out to Chavo. Chavo comes in with a slingshot press. Hernandez tags back in and splashes Kaz for another two count. Hernandez slams Kaz down to the mat before tagging out to Chavo. Chavo tries for the frog splash but misses. Kaz pounces, taking Chavo into his corner and tagging out to Daniels. Chavo tries to fight back, but Kaz tags in, and the two use quick tags to double team Chavo consistently. Daniels and Kaz focus on the ribs. Chavo continues to try to fight back, but Daniels drops him across the top rope, and Kaz hits him with a dropkick that sends Chavo to the outside. Daniels and Kaz bust out some Gangnam style. Chavo heads back into the ring, surprising Kaz, but again quick tags allow the challengers to be fresh, and double team Chavo. Kaz chokes Chavo across the bottom rope, and Daniels catches him with a cheap shot. Chavo gets to his feet, but Kaz shoulders Chavo. Chavo fights out, but finds himself backed into the corner hard. Kaz screams at Chavo, but Chavo comes up with a DDT out of the corner to respond. Both men make the tag and Hernandez wipes Daniels out with a couple of clotheslines before launching him with a belly to belly suplex. Hernandez splashes Daniels in the corner, but when he tries for the boder toss, Kaz pulls Daniels down and hits a missile dropkick from the top. Kaz and Daniels double team Hernandez, but Hernandez kicks them both away and slingshots himself from the apron into the ring with a double shoulder block. Hernandez takes Daniels down with a big backbreaker before hitting Kaz with a giant pounce. Hernandez tries for the air Mexico, but Daniels stops him with a kick to the face. Daniels and Kaz hit the high/low, but Hernandez kicks out at two. Hernandez fights off a double team suplex, and suplexes both his opponents. Chavo wipes out both men with a dropkick. Chavo tries for the three amigos on Kaz, but Daniels breaks it up at two. Chavo turns his attention to Daniels and hits three amigos on him. Chavo heads up to the top rope, but Kaz stops him with a big kick. Hernandez presses Kaz above his head and throws him to the floor. Daniels takes Hernandez over with an STO before heading up after Chavo for a superplex. Daniels is caught and shouldered by Hernandez. Chavo connects with a cross body and Hernandez drops Daniels down hard. He then secures the pin for the 1-2-3.

Winners and STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews AJ Styles

JB is backstage to interview the final participant in the three way match coming up next. AJ Styles says it’s been a rough year for him with a lot of distractions. Distractions he didn’t deserve or need. He says it’s been almost three years since he’s been World Champion, and that’s all the fuel he needs to get past Roode and Storm. He’s going to put the distractions to rest, and tonight starts a new chapter in Styles’ life.

TNA #1 Contenders Match: Bobby Roode vs. James Storm vs. AJ Styles

Styles kicks Roode in the head, sending him out to the apron. Styles and Storm lock up and work over each other’s arms. Storm catches Styles with an elbow to the side of the head, and he avoids a dropkick, but he’s pulled to the outside by Roode. Roode and Storm slug it out for a bit until they’re both wiped out by a dive from Styles over the top rope. Styles takes Roode back into the ring and takes him down with a couple of clotheslines and a big backbreaker. Styles takes Roode over with a snap mare and kicks him in the back hard. Styles slams Roode to the mat before hitting the rope and dropping a big knee. Storm blasts Styles with a couple of right hands. Storms kicks away at Styles in the corner. Styles fights back before charging Roode. Roode back drops Styles out to the apron where he slips. Roode sends Styles out to the floor. Storm attacks Roode from behind, but he finds himself hug up on the top rope by Styles. Styles heads back into the ring and hits Roode with a corner clothesline before splashing and back dropping Roode. Storm sends Styles to the outside where his head cracks against the guardrail. Storm and Roode stare each other down. Storm hits Roode with a series of rights, then a running neckbreaker for a two count. Roode backdrops Storm to the apron, but Storm hits Roode with a kick to the back of the head. Styles is back in the ring and he hits Storm with a dropkick out of nowhere. Styles dumps Roode to the outside before turning to Storm and kicking away at his thigh. Styles kicks at Storm’s legs before locking in the figure four. Styles breaks the hold to knock Roode from the apron and back to the floor. Styles drops Storm down with a knee breaker before going into another submission with a deathlock/chinlock combination. Storm is able to make it out of the hold. Styles is kicked away into Roode which allows Storm to get a roll up for two. Styles teases the Styles clash, but Storm counters into an Alabama slam. Storm pins Styles for another near fall. Storm picks up Styles for the eye of the Storm, but Roode breaks it up and DDT’s Storm for a two count of his own. Roode takes Storm down to the mat for another two count. Roode then turns to Styles, suplexing him for a near fall. Roode sends Storm across the ring and into the corner turnbuckle hard. Roode tosses AJ through the ropes to the outside before turning back to Storm. A snap mare/neck snap combination from Roode leads to another near fall. Roode heads to the outside and whips Styles into the ring steps, and Styles grabs at his knee. Roode heads back into the ring and tries for a spear, but Storm moves and Roode walks into a code breaker. Storm signals for the last call, but Styles heads back into the ring with a springboard clothesline for a two count on Storm. Roode catches Styles with a cheap shot before turning back to Storm and choking him with his boot. Roode slams AJ head first into the corner turnbuckle. AJ begins fighting back, hitting Roode with a couple of right hands, then a big chop to the chest. Styles is able to catch Roode with a big boot, but when he goes for the tornado DDT, Roode tosses him away. Roode goes for a suplex, and Storm comes in to help, both men hit Styles with a tandem suplex. They tease the Beer Money celebration, but Storm hits a Russian leg sweep instead. Storm sends Roode into the corner, but runs into a boot. Roode heads to the top, but he’s stopped by Storm. Styles charges Storm, and is tossed up into Roode where he hits a giant hurricanrana. Styles heads back up for a moonsault into a reverse DDT on Storm, which is good for another two count. Styles runs into a back elbow from Roode, who hits a neckbreaker from the second rope on Storm for a two count. Styles ducks a clothesline from Roode and connects with a Pele kick. Styles clothesline Storm over the top rope, but he goes over as well. Styles heads up to the apron and goes for the springboard 450, but Roode avoids it. Roode locks in a sloppy crossface, but Styles reverses. Roode comes up with a urunage out of nowhere. Roode picks up Styles and plants him with a big spinebuster. Roode tries for a suplex, but Storm catches him with a backstabber. Storm hits Styles with a superkick and scores the pinfall.

Winner: James Storm

Backstage With Devon

Devon is shown backstage. He says his turning point was at Bound for Glory, when he was revealed as the Sergeant at Arms of Aces and 8?s. He tells Angle that he was just a random act of violence, someone in the wrong place at the wrong time. He says not to take this personally, it’s just club business.

Kurt Angle vs. Devon

Kurt won’t allow Devon get into the ring before charging. The bell rings and Devon and Angle trade right hands with Angle getting the advantage. Angle slams Devon’s head into the turnbuckle before stomping away at him. Devon catches Kurt with a right hand before sending him head first into the turnbuckle. Devon follows Angle around the ring, hitting him with a series of rights. Angle fights back, hitting some rights of his own, but Devon comes right back with a big shoulder block. Devon punches and slaps Angle, following him around the ring. Angle is able to come up with a back elbow to take Devon down to the mat. Angle stomps away at Devon in the corner. Angle suplexes Devon, taking him over for a two count. Angle stalks Devon into the corner, burying his shoulder in Devon’s gut. Angle charges into the corner, but Devon moves and Angle connects shoulder first with the ring post. Angle falls to the outside and Devon follows, pushing Angle back into the guardrail hard. Devon slams Angle’s face into the ring apron before sending things back into the ring. Devon chokes Angle with his knee before arguing with the ref. Angle hits Devon with a couple of rights, but runs right into a flying back elbow. Devon goes for the cover, but wastes too much time and only gets one. Devon puts on a rear chin lock, standing over Angle. Angle is able to fight up to his feet and out of the hold, but Devon hits him with a clubbing blow across the back. Devon splashes Angle in the corner before talking a little smack. Devon charges into the corner again, but this time he runs into a back elbow from Angle. Angle hits a dropkick to take Devon to the mat. Angle hits a couple of clotheslines, then a flying forearm. Angle runs into the corner into a big boot from Devon, but then he suplexes Devon across the ring. Angle is able to back drop Devon, but it looks pretty rough. Devon avoids an Angle slam and hits a big clothesline. Devon heads up to the top rope, but Angle is up to hit the belly to belly superplex for two. Angle clamps on the ankle lock, wrenching away at Devon’s leg. Devon is able to kick Angle away. He gets to his feet and puts Angle down with a big slam for another two count. Devon tries for a powerbomb, but he drops Angle halfway though. Angle pops up and hits a big German suplex, hanging on for a second and third. Angle pins Devon for another near fall. Angle heads up to the top, but Devon stops him. Devon hits a running power bomb, pinning Angle for another two count. Angle tries for another German suplex, but Devon fights it off and puts Angle down with a spinebuster for another two count. Devon heads out to the apron and up to the top again. He leaps off, but Angle moves and Devon crashes down to the mat. Angle connects with the Angle slam, but Devon still won’t stay down for three. Aces and 8?s surround the ring and distract Angle, allowing Devon to hit a big spear and put Angle down for another two count. Angle is able to grab the ankle lock and grapevine the leg, forcing Devon to tap out.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Austin Aries

JB is backstage with Austin Aries. Aries says in a few moments, they’re going to write the final chapter in the Jeff Hardy saga. Tonight, that story ends in tragedy. For the last couple of months, Aries feels like the deck has been stacked against him, and tonight he’s going to shove it down everyone’s throat. He doesn’t need anyone, he just needs to be himself. Hardy though, needs every one of those people, but tonight Aries will regain his World championship. This leads us into a video package highlighting the next match.

TNA World Title: Austin Aries vs. Jeff Hardy [LADDER MATCH]

Austin Aries is the first man out for the main event, and ‘The Greatest Man That Ever Lived’ gets a pretty good reaction from the crowd on his way to the ring. The champion, Jeff Hardy, is out to the ring next, and obviously he gets a good reaction from the crowd on his way into the Impact Zone. Hardy gets the crowd behind him, and Aries drops out to the floor. He says that he’ll go on his time, not when people clap. Aries heads back into the ring and catches Hardy with a knee to the gut before dumping him to the outside. Aries heads to the entrance ramp and goes for a ladder, but Hardy is there to stop him. Aries heads back into the ring and stops Hardy with a stomp to the back of the head before sending him shoulder first into the ring post. Aries stomps down on the back of Hardy’s head before sending him into the ring steps on the outside. Aries goes for the ladder again and brings it to the ring apron. Hardy attacks and slams Aries’ head into the ladder. Hardy brings things back into the ring, allowing the ladder to fall back to the floor. Aries hits a right back backs Hardy into the corner. Hardy is able to turn things around with a hurricanrana that sends Aries to the outside. Hardy hits Aries with a dropkick through the ropes, then launches himself over the top and to the floor, wiping out Aries. Hardy grabs the ladder, but so does Aries. Hardy shoves Aries over the ring steps, then launches himself off with a leaping body press to take out Aries. Hardy heads up to the ring apron and wipes out Aries with a leaping clothesline to the floor. Hardy grabs the ladder and brings it into the ring. He sets it up right under the belts hanging above the ring. Aries pulls the ladder out and props it up between the apron and guardrail. Aries dumps Hardy on top of the ladder, then heads back into the ring, leaping over the top with a forearm across Hardy’s chest. Aries drops a knee into Hardy’s chest. Hardy falls off the ladder and crashes face first into the ring steps. Aries sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring and begins climbing up to the belts. Hardy pulls him off the ladder and down to the mat. Hardy kicks away at Aries in the corner, kicking him away and sending him to the outside. Hardy sets the ladder up open and upside down. Hardy tries to suplex Aries into the ladder, and Aries tries to reverse it. Hardy heads to the middle rope and leaps off, but Aries moves and sends Hardy crashing ribs first into the ladder. Hardy is sandwiched in the ladder and Aries leaps over the top with a body press, squeezing Hardy in the ladder. Aries kicks Hardy to the outside before heading out on the other side of the ring. Aries goes under the ring for another ladder, bringing it back into the ring. Aries sets the ladder against the ropes before launching himself out of the ring through the middle and bottom rope. Aries sandwiches Hardy in the ladder on the floor before grabbing the ring steps and setting them down on top of Hardy. Aries heads back into the ring and places the ladder underneath the title belts. Aries points to his brain and begins the climb. Aries stops mid-climb and looks for Hardy. Hardy has apparently climbed under the ring to the other side and snuck up the ladder. Aries pushes the ladder out from under Hardy and he crashes to the mat. Aries climbs the ladder that’s set up over top of Hardy’s body. Hardy climbs the other side of the ladder. Both men fight at the top of the ladder and Aries shoves Hardy to the mat. Aries can’t climb the ladder as it’s too wobbly. Aries sets the ladder up in the corner, placing Hardy against it and launching himself in with a big dropkick. Aries goes for the brainbuster, but Hardy slips out, crashing to the mat in a suplex position. Aries charges Hardy, but end up eating an arm drag into the ladder. Hardy launches Aries across the ring before going back to the ladder. Hardy sets the ladder up right in the corner and uses it to rock himself down into a splash on top of Aries. Aries rolls to the outside immediately. Hardy sets the ladder up in the corner across the top rope. Hardy heads to the outside and goes under the ring for yet another ladder. Hardy sets up the ladder and begins his climb. Aries climbs to the top turnbuckle and launches himself off, hitting a missile dropkick to the ladder, knocking Hardy off. Aries backs Hady into the ladder set up in the corner, trapping him in between the turnbuckle and ladder. Aries hits the dropkick, sending the ladder crashing into Hardy’s throat. Aries puts Hardy down with the brainbuster, then dumps Hardy out to the floor. Aries sets one of the ladders across the top rope in the corner before setting up the other ladder in the middle of the ring. Aries begins the climb, readjusting the ladder on his way up. Hardy is in the ring and he’s climbing the other side. Hardy fights off Aries, hitting him with rights to the gut and head. Hardy slams Aries’ head down into the ladder before taking him down with a twist of fate off the ladder. Hardy heads to the top rope and hits a swanton bomb, sending Aries to the outside. Hardy struggles to set up a ladder, taking his time to put it under the belts. Hardy struggles to the top, reaching up, but when Hardy gets up, the titles are pulled up out of Hardy’s reach. Aries has the controls, and he calls Hardy over. Hardy follows and fights Aries in the crowd, launching him back into the ringside area. Hardy goes under the ring and grabs an even taller ladder, setting it up in the middle of the ring. Hardy begins climbing and Aries scrambles up the other side. Both men trade rights before the ladder tips and sends both men crashing into the ladder set up across the top rope earlier. Both men stand on the ladder and Hardy hits a twist of fate, falling to the inside of the ring, while Aries crashes on the ladder and falls to the outside. Hardy climbs up the tall ladder and pulls down his title.

Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: Jeff Hardy