Impact 11/11 Results: Eddie Edwards Earns Title Shot Against Moose

Impact 11/11 continued the build to Turning Point on November 20th. The main event saw Moose’s first challenger for his title determined.

Impact 11/11 Quick Results:

  1. Savannah Evans defeated Rachael Ellering (BTI)
  2. #1 Contendership for the Impact Tag Team Championships
    Bullet Club (Chris Bey & El Phantasmo) defeated FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson)
  3. Minoru Suzuki defeated Kaleb with a K
  4. Decay (Havok & Rosemary) defeated The Undead Bridesmaids (Brandi Lauren & Kimber Lee)
  5. Mercedes Martinez defeated Madison Rayne
  6. Rohit Raju defeated Rocky Romero
  7. #1 Contendership for the Impact World Championship
    Triple Threat
    Eddie Edwards defeated Matt Cardona and W. Morrissey

Bullet Club Earns Title Shot Against The Good Brothers

Last week on Impact, Bullet Club interfered in a non-title match between FinJuice and the Good Brothers, leading to a no-contest. In response, Scott D’Amore booked this #1 contendership match between FinJuice and Bullet Club with the winners moving on to challenge the Good Brothers with the titles on the line.

The finish of this match came when Finjuice looked to be setting Chris Bey up for the Doomsday Device but ELP grabbed a hold of Finlay’s foot while he was on the top rope. Finlay then turned his attention HIKULEO on the outside and hit him with a diving attack to the floor. Meanwhile in the ring, Bey countered Juice into a cradle but Juice reversed the momentum and ended up on top. With the ref counting the pin on Bey, ELP hit Juice with a super kick (there have been concerns that ELP uses a loaded boot). Bey then covered Juice and got the pin.

After the match, The Good Brothers came out to confront Bullet Club and a brawl ensued. HIKULEO entered the ring and took out Anderson. This left just Gallows and HIKULEO in the ring. They brawled and HIKULEO eventually tossed Gallows out of the ring. Bullet Club stood tall in the ring with the champions on the outside to end the segment.

Minoru Suzuki Destroys Kaleb With a K While Josh Alexander Watches

Minoru Suzuki made quick work of the Influence’s Kaleb this week. During the match, the camera would cut to a shot of Josh Alexander watching Suzuki on a monitor. Suzuki picked up the quick win with a Gotch style piledriver. Suzuki and Josh Alexander will face off next week.

Decay Defeat The Undead Bridesmaids Ahead of Title Rematch

Last week, The Iinspiration sought out the Undead Bridesmaids to take out Decay. This week Decay made short work of them in tag team action. Jessica McKay and Cassie Lee came out to the stage area to watch the match and then came down to the ring area after and taunted the former champions.

Later in the show, the Iinspiration then said they were going to take out the Undead Bridesmaids next week for their failure to take out Decay.

Mickie James Saves Mercedes Martinez From Post-Match Attack, Mercedes Not Then Attacks Her

Mercedes Martinez will challenge Mickie James for the Knockouts World Championship at Turning point. Martinez would face and defeat a former champion in Madison Rayne this week. The finish of the match saw Martinez get the pin after countering a cutter into a cradle. After the match, Rayne attacked Mercedes from behind and eventually gave her the cutter she wasn’t able to during the match. Rayne then hit Mercedes in the midsection with a chair before Mickie James’ music hit and she came out to make the save. Then James went to help Martinez up but her future challenger then picked her up and slammed her down. Martinez then sauntered away from the ring area while James lay in the ring to end the segment.

Rohit Raju Picks Up Win Over Rocky Romero

Rohit Raju picked up a big win this week as he defeated NJPW’s Rocky Romero. The finish of the match came when Raj Singh distracted the ref while Rocky had Raju trapped in an arm-bar. Rocky then took out Singh and hit a running sliced bread on Raju for a 2-count. Raju fought back, however, and countered a tornado DDT with a high-knee followed by his Drive-By finish for the win.

Eddie Edwards Earns A Title Shot Against Moose

Eddie Edwards has earned a shot at Moose’s Impact World Championship. A triple threat between him, W. Morrissey and Matt Cardona headlined this week’s episode. Edwards hit a Boston Knee Party on Morrissey on the outside, taking him out of the match. The finish of the match then came when it was left to Edwards and Cardona inside the ring. Cardona missed a dive off the ropes and Edwards then followed that up with a Boston Knee Party again and got the 3-count.

Moose was shown watching the match from a private box but then getting up and leaving as soon as Edwards was declared the victor.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Next Week:

  • Josh Alexander vs Minoru Suzuki
  • The Iinspiration vs the Undead Bridesmaids
  • Steve Maclin vs Laredo Kid (If Maclin wins he’s added to X-Division title match at Turning Point)
  • Sit down interview with Deonna Purrazzo

Turning Point – November 20th

  • Impact World Championship
    Moose (c) vs Eddie Edwards
  • Knockouts World Championship
    Mickie James (c) vs Mercedes Martinez
  • Knockouts World Tag Team Championships
    The Iinspiration (Jessie McKay & Cassie Lee) (c) vs Decay (Rosemary & Havok)
  • Impact World Tag Team Championships
    The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson) (c) vs. Bullet Club (Chris Bey and Hikuleo)
  • X-Division Championship
    Trey Miguel (c) vs Laredo Kid

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