Impact Results (9/30): Christopher Daniels vs Madman Fulton, Eddie Edwards vs W. Morrissey

Impact Wrestling on 9/30 featured the return of Christopher Daniels for the first time since 2014. It also saw Eddie Edwards face W. Morrissey in a main event street fight.

Impact 9/30 Quick Results:

  1. X Division Championship Match Qualifier
    Trey Miguel defeated Alex Zayne & Laredo Kid
  2. Knockouts Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership
    The Influence (Tenille Dashwood & Madison Rayne) (with Kaleb)  defeated Jordynne Grace & Rachael Ellering
  3. Christopher Daniels defeated Madman Fulton
  4. Street Fight
    Eddie Edwards defeated W. Morrissey

Trey Miguel Qualifies For Bound For Glory X-Division Title Match

With Josh Alexander having cashed in the X-Division title using Option C to face the World Champion at Bound For Glory, Scott D’Amore set up a tournament of sorts to crown a new champion. 3 triple threat matches will take place in the build up to the PPV, with the 3 winners meeting at BFG with the vacant title on the line.

Trey Miguel picked up the win here and qualified for the PPV by hitting a meteor on Laredo Kid.

Meanwhile, Drama King Matt was shown watching the match from the back. He would later cut a promo challenging Laredo Kid to a match.

The Influence Defeat Grace & Ellering, Advance To Knockouts Knockdown

Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood will move on to Knockouts Knockdown (October 9th) to take on the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Havok & Rosemary. They defeated the former champions, Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering to earn that right this week.

The finish of the match saw Kaleb cause a distraction on the outside, which allowed Rayne and Dashwood to hit a double-team face slam on Ellering for the win.

Deonna Purrazzo Attacks Mickie James On Her Ranch

Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo traveled to Mickie James’ ranch this week and a massive brawl ensued. These two will meet at Bound For Glory but fought this week with rakes, water hoses, and various barn-related objects. Purrazzo got the upper hand in the melee.

Christopher Daniels Wrestles First Match In Impact Since 2014

After returning to the promotion last week, Christopher Daniels wrestled his first match for Impact since 2014 this week. He was up against Madman Fulton, who had a considerable size and strength advantage here. The story of the match was basically Daniels using his speed and skill to avoid the big man’s attacks.

Ace Austin attempted to get involved from the outside but this brought out Josh Alexander, who brawled with him to the back. This allowed Daniels to hit the Best Moonsault Ever on Fulton for the win.

Scott D’Amore would later book Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs Christian Cage & Josh Alexander for next week.

Heath Returns, Attacks Violent By Design

Rhino was asked if he was with Violent By Design or against them after the recent dissension he’s shown with the faction. He wouldn’t give an answer this week, however. Instead, Heath returned from a long absence and brawled with the members of VOD. Meanwhile, Rhino didn’t get involved and gave no indication of which side he is on.

Digital Media Championship Is Introduced

Impact announced a new title belt this week. There will be a tournament to determine the 1st ever Impact Digital Media Champion. The first matches scheduled in the tournament are Zicky Dice vs John Skyler and Hernandez vs Crazzy Steve.

Eddie Edwards Defeats W. Morrissey, Attacked By Moose

After W. Morrissey power-bombed Alisha Edwards recently, Eddie Edwards has been on the war path to get revenge. In this week’s main event, he’d get a measure of revenge by picking up the win after delivering a barbed-wire chair assisted Boston Knee Party.

After the match, however, Moose hit the ring and speared Edwards through a table. Then Moose and W. Morrissey turned their attention to Alisha. They forced her to watch as they wrapped Eddie’s head in a chair and threw him into the steel post. Moose continued to hit Eddie with a chair before eventually him and Morrissey went to the back to close the show. The fans chanted for Eddie as the show went to black.

Coming Up In Impact Wrestling

Next Week:

  • Christian Cage and Josh Alexander vs. Ace Austin and Madman Fulton
  • Impact Tag Team Championships #1 Contendership
    FinJuice and Chris Sabin vs. Bullet Club (Hikuleo, Chris Bey, El Phantasmo)
  • X Division Championship Match Qualifier
    Steve Maclin vs. Black Taurus vs. Petey Williams

Bound For Glory (October 23rd)

  • Impact World Championship
    Christian Cage (c) vs Josh Alexander
  • Knockouts Championship
    Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Mickie James
  • X-Division Championship (Vacant)
    Trey Miguel vs TBD vs TBD

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