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TNA Victory Road 2010 PPV Poster With Kurt Angle & Synopsis

PPV poster and event synopsis for TNA Victory Road, which takes place on Sunday, July 11th from Orlando

Knockouts Upset Over Pay, Hot Chicks At iMPACT!

The TNA President has her sights set on signing Mickie James once her no-compete clause with WWE expires.. Plus - the Knockouts are grumbling over their salary

TNA Very Interested In Signing Mickie James Next Month

Details on TNA planning to offer Mickie James a contract once her no-compete clause with WWE expires

Update On Booker T, Backstage Heat On Newcomer, Kevin Thorn

Could Booker T be returning to TNA? Plus - the TNA locker room is sounding off on a newcomer

Varon To Meet With WWE Officials, Update On ’93 Raw DVD Set

The former Women's Champion could be returning to WWE.. Plus - an update on WWE's DVD set highlighting the first year of Monday Night Raw

Hogan Undergoes Back Surgery, Early Details On Impact Rating

"The Hulkster" underwent back surgery this week.. Plus - early numbers on Thursday's iMPACT! rating

Waltman Diagnosed With Hepatitis C, Homicide Working Injured

Sean Waltman reveals he recently tested positive for Hepatitis C.. Plus - injured ribs won't stop Homicide from wrestling

TNA Seeking New Ring Announcer – Lilian Garcia To Follow?

TNA officials are searching for a new ring announcer - could Lilian Garcia find her way in The Impact! Zone?

Maria Says She Hasn’t Spoken To TNA, Complaints On Rob Terry

Maria Kanellis says she has yet to negotiate with TNA officials.. Plus - many in the locker room feel Rob Terry, among others, are not ready for prime time

Two TNA Knockouts Cleared To Return, Update On Hamada, More

Angelina Love and a fellow Knockout have been medically cleared to return to the ring.. Plus - an update on Hamada

TNA Reportedly Signs Reid Flair, Hogan Trends Ahead Of Coleman

TNA has reportedly signed the son of Ric Flair.. Plus - Hulk Hogan garners more searches than Gary Coleman

Ric Flair To Wrestle Again, Booker T’s TNA Status & More

Find out when the Nature Boy will get back in the ring for TNA .. Plus, after Booker T's surprise return to TNA last week, what's his status with the company?