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King Of The Mountain Returning, More On TNA Budget Cuts

TNA taping 4 weeks of iMPACT! this week, including qualifying matches for the King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary. Plus, TNA letting talent go soon

*Spoiler* For Impact Tapings, Former WWE Star In Orlando

Two familar faces are on hand for today's iMPACT! taping in Orlando.. Plus - TNA is returning to New York City

TNA Releases Coming, Sting Injured, The Band, MCMG

TNA will be cutting several people from the talent roster soon .. Plus, ring announcer David Penzer gone, The Band defending under "Freebird rules" and more

Tara Done With TNA, Anderson Turning Face, The Band

Several news items coming out of TNA Sacrifice, including a possible face turn for Mr. Anderson .. Plus, TNA ring announcer David Penzer parting ways with the company

Heat On ODB Over Online Remark, Update On The Amazing Red

ODB has heat over a comment she recently made online disparaging the Knockouts division.. Plus - an update on the whereabouts of The Amazing Red

Opening Match For Sacrifice PPV, Jordan “Controversy” Planned

News and notes on tonight's Sacrifice pay-per-view.. Plus - an update on King of the Mountain

TNA Sacrifice PPV Results: May 16, 2010

Detailed results from TNA's Sacrifice pay-per-view

Abyss Says He Wants To Wrestle Hulk Hogan

Interview recap with TNA's monster Abyss, who talks about the evolution of his character, the best advice Hulk Hogan has given him and more

Report On What Friends Believe Triggered Kanyon’s Suicide

Close friends of Chris Kanyon tell a wrestling magazine what they believe was "the last straw" for the troubled former wrestling star

RVD Talks About iMPACT! Moving Back To Thursddays & More

Rob Van Dam compares how he's used in TNA vs. how he was booked in WWE, TNA's move back to Thursdays and more

TNA Signs Knockout Who Injured Daffney Last Month

TNA has signed Mary Kate Duignan, a graduate of Team 3D's wrestling academy who injured TNA Knockout Daffney last month during her dark match tryout

Helms Expected To Join TNA Soon, Update On Shelly Martinez

The recently released WWE star is expected to join TNA soon.. Plus - Shelly Martinez finds out whether TNA plans on re-hiring her