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Nasty Boys Gone From TNA & Creed Confirms His Departure

The Nasty Boys are reportedly gone from TNA.. Plus - an update on Consequences Creed's departure from the organization

TNA iMPACT! Results For March 29, 2010

TNA iMPACT! results from March 29, 2010 ..

TNA X-Division Star Released, Mick Foley Retiring Soon

Find out which X-Division star has been released .. Plus, Mick Foley says his days as an in-ring performer are coming to an end

TNA To Debut Groundbreaking Gimmick Tonight (Spoiler)

TNA Wrestling receives positive press for featuring a groundbreaking character

HBK Talks About Flair Still Wrestling, Raw Preemption, More

Shawn Michaels gives his take on Ric Flair continuing to wrestle


Solomonster presents the third annual WrestleMania prediction show!

TNA Star Debuting Shocking New Character This Monday

Tune into Monday's iMPACT! to see a character "unlike anything you've ever seen before"

Reaction To Young Partnering With Hardy & RVD, Kong Update

Reaction to Eric Young partnering with Jeff Hardy and RVD on Monday's iMPACT! is unanimously negative.. Plus - notes on Awesome Kong and Angelina Love

TNA Wrestling Reportedly Having Financial Problems

TNA is reportedly having bigger financial problems than most realize

Bischoff’s Fake Guitar Playing, Hernandez Update

Impressed by Eric Bischoff's guitar playing abilities on iMPACT!? Too bad it wasn't him really playing .. Plus, update on Hernandez' injury from iMPACT!

Vince McMahon Rips On TNA, Says They’re Not Competition

Vince McMahon says TNA threw the kitchen sink at them and only did a fraction of WWE's ratings .. He calls their product "tawdry" and not in WWE's league

Dixie Carter Comments On 4/5 iMPACT! Time Change

TNA President Dixie Carter comments on the next live edition of iMPACT! starting an hour earlier than usual ..