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SpikeTV Exec Talks About Monday iMPACT!, Hogan & More

Spike TV Senior Vice President Brian J. Diamond talks about TNA iMPACT! moving to Monday nights, having Hulk Hogan in TNA, January 4th and more

Kong Reportedly Suspended, More On TNA Possibly Going Live

TNA Knockout suspended, more on the possibility of TNA going live on March 1

BIG News: TNA iMPACT! Moving To Mondays In March

Dixie Carter and Hulk Hogan will be making a "major announcement" on Monday - and we've received word from a reliable source that iMPACT! is moving to Mondays soon

Update On Lashley’s TNA Status, Foley Praises Russo

Earlier this week, Bobby Lashley's superstar profile was removed from the TNA website, leading many to speculate that he was leaving the company to pursue his MMA career full time.

Backstage Details On How Much Money The TNA Knockouts Earn

Find out how much money most TNA Knockouts make per appearance

Hulk Hogan Talks Monday Nights, Changes In TNA, Cena Trash Talking Him, Russo, If He’ll Wrestle

Hogan responds to John Cena's comments that TNA is a "waste of time" and tons more

Universal Studios Changes TNA Schedule – 3/1 Show Removed

A rumored 3/1 live iMPACT! special looks to be off.. Plus - a message from Angelina Love

Flair Interview: TNA Holding Him Back, Styles’ Potential & More

Interview recap with Ric Flair, who talks about his experience in tNA thus far, AJ Styles' potential, coming out of retirement, TNA holding him back & more!

Hogan Turning Heel Soon, TNA’s New Ranking System

Could "The Hulkster" be turning heel?

TNA Passes Over Former WWE Tag Team, Steiner Update, More

Find out which former WWE tag team TNA officials passed over signing

Angle Wants A Reduced Schedule, News On Von Erich & Sting

Notes on Kurt Angle, Lacey Von Erich and Sting

Bobby Lashley Removed From TNA Roster

It would appear that Bobby Lashley has parted ways with TNA