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Location For Lockdown Announced, New Additions To TNA Roster

Dixie Carter has announced the host city for April's Lockdown pay-per-view

TNA Agent Gone, Bischoff Calls Borash A Mark, Candice

Candice Michelle posts a picture of her pregnant stomach on Twitter .. Plus, a TNA agent wishes TNA well in their future endeavors

Taz Blogs About ECW Shutting Down, Criticizes Vince

Taz explains what he didn't like about Vince McMahon's announcement that ECW is shutting down

Bret Hart Has Dinner With Jeremy Borash (Picture)

After last night's WWE RAW, Bret Hart went out to dinner with a number of employees from TNA Wrestling, including Jeremy Borash.

Bischoff Talks About Working With Russo, Monday Nights

With the recent additions of Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan to TNA Wrestling, many have wondered how they would interact with Vince Russo

Samoa Joe Talks About Dead Weight On The TNA Roster

(VIDEO) Joe defends the infamous shoot promo he cut at Turning Point 2007, when he verbally blasted Scott Hall in the middle of the ring for no-showing the event

Dixie Carter Says WWE Is Trying To Shut TNA Down

TNA Preident Dixie Carter says TNA is going up against a corporate juggernaut that will stop at nothing to put them out of business.

PPV Poster For TNA’s Upcoming X-Division Only PPV

Check out the PPV poster for Destination X 2010, a TNA PPV that will feature only X-Division wrestlers!

Chris Jericho Takes Aim At Eric Bischoff & TNA Wrestling

Chris Jericho responds to Eric Bischoff's remark from Friday's "State of TNA" address

iMPACT! Does Record Rating, Honky Tonk Rumor Killer

The 1/28 edition of TNA iMAPCT! drew the highest rating for a Thursday show ever .. Plus, Eric Bischoff shoots down Honky Tonk Man's claim that he's TNA bound

Dixie Talks About Big Egos In TNA, Not Leading By Fear

TNA's president talks about what its like dealing with all the big egos in TNA .. Plus, how does her leadership style differs from Vince McMahon's

Respect For Ric Flair In TNA, Hall & Waltman’s Status

The Nature Boy finally getting the respect he deserves .. Plus, what's the backstage attitude towards Hall and Waltman?