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State Of TNA Announcement Today, Monday iMPACT! Update

This afternoon, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff will appear on Bubba the Love Sponge's radio show to deliver a first ever "State of TNA Address"

RVD Knows TNA Wants Him, Talks About His Future

Rob Van Dam knows TNA wants a piece of him and said once again the "ridiculous never-ending" WWE schedule will play a factor in which company he decides will wrestle for

Could The Ultimate Warrior & Randy Savage Be Joining TNA?

Hulk Hogan discusses the possibility of Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage joining TNA

TNA Title Change Takes Place Tonight At House Show

A new TNA champion was crowned today in Cardiff, Wales

Sid Vicious Looking To Join TNA, “The Pope” Dealing With Illness

The latest report on Sid possibly returning to national television

Bischoff Calls WWE’s TV Product “Boring”, Joe Suffers Injury

Eric Bischoff feels WWE's television product is boring and predictable

TNA iMPACT! Reportedly Moving To Mondays Permanently

Breaking news this afternoon, as it appears Spike TV has finally given the go-ahead for TNA iMAPCT! to move permanently to Monday nights .. Full details

Another Monday Night TNA iMPACT! Scheduled For March

After TNA Monday night special on January 4th drew a strong 1.5 cable rating, it appears Spike TV has scheduled another live TNA broadcast to go head-to-head with WWE RAW.

Styles Possibly Getting A Makeover, Anderson’s TNA Live Debut

TNA has given thought to having AJ Styles bleach his hair

TNA Roster Update, Homicide Defeats Former ECW Champion

Mr. Anderson, among others, are now officially members of the TNA roster.. Plus - find out which former ECW champion Homicide beat last night

Last Night’s Impact Rating, TNA Wrestlers Not Going On UK Tour

Have the likes of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Ken Anderson provided a boost to Impact's ratings?

Kong Says “Slavery Is Not Over”, Jarrett Audio From BTLS, More

Awesome Kong says "the true story" is not out yet and makes a comparison to slavery