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McMahon’s Reaction To Hardy In TNA, Former Diva Backstage

How did Vince react to Jeff Hardy jumping to the competition?.. Plus - find out which former WWE Diva was backstage last night at Raw

Bischoff Talks About TNA vs. WWE, iMPACT! Moving To Mondays

Eric Bischoff talks in-depth about last week's Monday iMPACT!, the possibility of iMPACT! going live every Monday night, Jeff Hardy choosing TNA over WWE and more

TNA Changing The 6-Sided Ring, Generation Me & More

News on TNA's newest tag team, TNA getting rid of their 6-sided ring in favor of a traditional 4-sided ring and more

Ric Flair Explains Why He Joined TNA Wrestling

The wrestling legend reveals why he joined the organization

Lacey Causes Show To Be Retaped, Flair Working On 2nd Book

Lacey Von Erich causes an online TNA show to be retaped as a result of her naughty language

TNA Program To Be Featured Monthly, TNA Draws Sellout Crowd

Kurt Angle will be featured on the first episode of a new monthly TNA series

Jeremy Borash Hints At “Big Name” Making Surprise Debut Soon

Another "big name" will be debuting soon in TNA.. Plus - background on Hulk Hogan's new theme song

Spike TV Exec Talks About iMPACT! Moving To Mondays

Spike's senior Vice President says Monday's ratings were "extremely encouraging" and a permanent move to Monday nights is under consideration .. w00t w00t!

Vince Russo Talks About Monday’s iMPACT!, Bret’s Return

TNA creative team member Vince Russo a new blog on his Facebook page discussing Monday's iMPACT!, working with Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff again and more.

Hogan Says He’s Working To Move iMPACT! To Mondays

TNA's Hulk Hogan called into the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show this morning .. They talked about Monday's iMPACT!, wanting to move iMPACT! to Monday's and more

TNA Wrestlers Paranoid Over Hogan-Bischoff Takeover

Backstage news from iMPACT on wrestlers' reactions to the new era of TNA

Details On Flair’s TNA Contract, Bubba Staying In TNA

Find out how long the Nature Boy will be with TNA .. Plus, after the "fiasco" at Monday's TNA iMPACT! taping, radio personality Bubba The Love Sponge will be staying with TNA after all