Sad Health Update On Don West

Former TNA Wrestling commentator Don West is battling cancer for a second time after originally announcing last June that he had been diagnosed with brain lymphoma and he would begin treatment. 

Things looked better last September when he announced the cancer was in remission after doing 8 weeks of chemotherapy and 13 treatments of radiation. Unfortunately, in December, it was announced his cancer had returned and he was battling it with chemotherapy. 

PWInsider recently reported treatment had not worked as well as expected and now the brain tumor is “twice the size it has been”. West had been exploring stem cell treatment but due to the tumor size doctors are not progressing with those plans.

Impact Wrestling’s Scott D’Amore mentioned this past weekend that he will match 100% of all donations made to West’s GoFundMe Campaign through this Friday. He wrote the following: 

“Folks, ?@IMPACTWRESTLING? OG ?@DonWestDeals? is one of the best humans to ever walk this planet. Let’s rally around DW! Any donations made by midnight EST Friday will be matched dollar for dollar. It’s currently at $34,776 so keep me honest.”

We wish him all of the best in fighting this. 

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