*Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For Tonight

Credit to TNAsylum.com for this live report from Monday’s iMPACT! tapings:

The ECW Guys come to the ring and the cut a promo on Hardcore Justice. Brother Ray initially refused to join but eventually gave in. Hulk Hogan came out and thanked E-V 2.0 (Extreme Version 2.0) for bringing hardcore to TNA. He had a surprise for them but Abyss interrupted. Abyss said “they” weren’t happy. A match was made between Abyss and Tommy Dreamer, which would be fought under hardcore rules.

1. Angelina Love defeated Sarita with the Botox Injection.

2. Ink Inc defeated Orlando Jordan and Eric Young. During the match Young threw a mannequin in the ring but didn’t hit anyone. Ink Inc. pinned Orlando Jordan moments later. Weird!

Fortune (Flair, AJ Styles and Kazarian) came to the ring. Flair announced that he will face Jay Lethal in a Street Fight next week on Impact. Flair announced Beer Money as two more members of Fortune. James Storm claimed Beer Money would dominate the Motor City Machine Guns tonight in their Steel Cage Match. AJ Styles took the mic and said his title wasn’t a Global Title, but rather a TV Title. He said he would defend the TV Title in every country first by defending it against Rob Terry. Fortune went to leave but was interrupted by Kurt Angle, who said that AJ Styles is next.

3. Motor City Machine Guns defeated Beer Money in a Steel Cage with the Neckbreaker/Big Splash Combo. Robert Roode got busted open early on. One of the Guns hit a huge dive from the top of the cage. This was said to be a very good match.

Matt Morgan came out to Mr. Anderson’s music. He called for the special mic entrance but it took a bit of demanding. He did a special intro ala Morgan. Anderson came out and cut a promo on Morgan, who thinks it’s funny that the mic Anderson used was the one that took him out last week.

Morgan offered up a free shot, but Anderson hit him with a nutshot. Morgan choked him until Jeff Hardy made the save. All of a sudden, two security members came in and attacked Hardy and Anderson. I believe the security guys were Shatter and Mikal Judas, but I might be mistaken. The agents came out and broke things up. Matt Morgan and the Security guys will face Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy in a handicap match tonight.

4. Rob Terry defeated Kazarian. A very quick squash match with the Freakbuster.

5. Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Morgan, Murphy Gunner and Phil Shatter when Hardy hits the Swanton on Gunner. Apparently this was a horrible match as Gunner looked incredibly green on television. Matt Morgan left during the match.

Eric Bischoff came out and announced that on August 12, TNA would feature a TV special featuring PPV quality matches. Abyss came out and demanded a match against RVD, where Janice is hung above the ring and weapons are legal. Bischoff eventually agreed to the match.

Abyss was about to attack Bischoff when RVD made the save. Before Abyss could use Janice on RVD, the agents broke things up.

6. Abyss defeated Tommy Dreamer in a Hardcore Match when he chokeslammed Tommy Dreamer on a Barbed Wire Board. After the match, Abyss went to attack Dreamer, but Raven came out for the save. Raven turned on Dreamer and gave him the DDT in honor of their ECW feud. The rest of the EV2.0 guys come out to end the show.


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