Revolution Pro (Rev Pro) has announced the first star for their upcoming WrestleMania weekend event. Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion Tomohiro Ishii will be appearing at the Hilton in New York on Friday April 5th.
Ishii recently successfully defended his title against David Starr. The match took place at the Uprising 2018 event back in October. Tomohiro will also be defending his title against Zack Sabre Jr when New Japan presents Wrestle Kingdom from the Tokyo Dome on January 4th.
Revolution Pro’s World of Pro Wrestling show is still available to watch on Friday nights in the UK. The UK based company will be using the FreesportsUK channel as the home for their new TV show going forward.
You can check out the exclusive interview we conducted with Rev Pro owner Andy Quildan here. When we discussed the timing of the new show Andy confirmed that “WoS had no impact on our decision. In all honesty whilst I watch as much product as possible from WWE, ROH, NJPW, CMLL to all the indies here in the UK, aside from learning best (or at times worst) practice I try not to let what others are doing dictate the way I choose to run my business.”
Undisputed British Heavyweight Champion TOMOHIRO ISHII is the first name announced for what we promise to be a huge show.Friday 5th April, 4pm.
Tickets:— Revolution Pro (@RevProUK) December 1, 2018