Update On Lashley's TNA Status, Angle Launching Food Line

– As we reported last night, Bobby Lashley’s profile has been removed from the Superstar Roster page on TNA’s official website, which suggests he may have parted ways with the company. According to sources within TNA, Lashley is still technically under contract, but is not considered part of the active roster. Lashley has been written out of TNA storylines in recent months but remains on good terms with the company and the door is open for him to return down the line. (Source: PWInsider.com)

– Kurt Angle has launched his own line of healthy foods called Angle Foods, part o the Foodies Food Club network. Kurt’s website describes it like this:

“USDA approved Signature Series Sports Performance Food line that will feature five new great tasting, high quality, high protein, high fiber, low fat ready-to-eat-meals for athletes and health conscious dieters of all ages. Each exquisite R.T.E Meal contains approximately 30-40g of high quality food protein, 10-12 grams of “fiber for life” with moderate to low gylcemic carbs for health and energy. Finally, the perfect convenient meals for everyone!”