Home News Update On Desmond Wolfe, Fans Run For TNA Backstage Pass

Update On Desmond Wolfe, Fans Run For TNA Backstage Pass


— Desmond Wolfe has been hanging out backstage at most iMPACT! television tapings. He shows up early in the day, visits with friends and is usually gone by showtime. He remains under contract to TNA Wrestling and is out on medical leave with an undisclosed illness.

— TNA Wrestling announced on Twitter that any fan who was able to catch Jeremy Borash during his jog near the site of Friday’s show in Huntington, West Virginia would receive a backstage pass to the event. After outrunning a man in his fifties and three teenagers, the fan in video below earned a pass after he “ran for his life.”

To see the video, click here.

— Crimson celebrated his 26th birthday yesterday.

source: Pro Wrestling Torch