Update On Dixie & AJ’s Big Reveal, Bobby Roode Praised & More

– It was revealed on last week’s Impact Wrestling that Dixie Carter and A.J. Styles have been sneaking around to help a recovering addict who has been waking up in hotel rooms with strange men. The women who played woman was an actress TNA found at a local talent agency.

VIDEO Of The “Pregnant Addict” Reveal From Last Week

The angle played out as planned from the beginning, but TNA was said to be disappointed in her performance last week.

TNA has also released the following “original, unedited” phone conversation between AJ & Dixie about why they were sneaking around:


– TNA Champion Bobby Roode continues to get a lot of praise behind the scenes from management. Most TNA wrestlers enjoy working with him and the writing team (particularly Bruce Prichard) enjoys writing for him.

– Here are some recent TNA attendance figures:

* The Basebrawl event on June 22nd in Buffalo, NY drew 800 fans
* June 23rd in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada drew 2,000 fans
* June 24th in Hamilton, Ontario drew 750 fans

(Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

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