Home News Update On Lashley’s TNA Status, Foley Praises Russo

Update On Lashley’s TNA Status, Foley Praises Russo


— Earlier this week, Bobby Lashley’s superstar profile was removed from the TNA website, leading many to speculate that he was leaving the company to pursue his MMA career full time. Lashley posted a brief message on his LashleyNutrition.com site telling fans to stay tuned:

“Alot of fans are asking me about my future in wrestling. I will address everything at a later date. Thank you for the support. – Bobby”

— In an interview with Fanhouse.com, TNA star Mick Foley had some positive things to say about the often-criticized head writer of TNA, Vince Russo. “I think even Vince Russo would probably agree that him being world champion was possibly not the best idea in the world. But he’s a very creative guy,” Foley said. “He loves to write. He loves to make characters and I think people who, you know the people who chant ‘fire Russo’ really have no idea how large of a contribution he made to the wrestling product that they sometimes seem to like. I’m talking about the wrestling product overall as in this generation of wrestling. I think he was one of the key guys right up there with the top on-air talents.”