Home News Video: Jeff Hardy Knocked Out After Crazy Spot At Last Night’s TNA Impact Tapings

Video: Jeff Hardy Knocked Out After Crazy Spot At Last Night’s TNA Impact Tapings


TNA star Jeff Hardy got legitimately knocked out at Friday night’s TNA Impact “Lockdown” taping from the Manhattan Center in New York City.

The incident took place in a match that saw The Hardy Boyz vs. Abyss and James Storm. Late in the match, as Jeff was trying to escape the cage, he got “crotched” on top of the cage door, where he took a nasty bump to the outside onto the steel ring steps.

According to multiple live correspondents, fans that could overhear Jeremy Borash and crew members at ringside saying that was that Hardy was knocked out backstage after the match.

Here’s video of the fall:

Crazy bump @jeffhardybrand @matthardybrand @IMPACTWRESTLING @jaycommons @IMPACTWRESTLING

A video posted by @billcommons on