Home News VIDEO: Matt & Jeff Hardy Make Truce With The Dirtsheets

VIDEO: Matt & Jeff Hardy Make Truce With The Dirtsheets


Matt and Jeff Hardy are back with another YouTube video. After posting a video earlier this week zapping each other with a tazer, this latest installment has a more serious tone.

Jeff talks about what he’s been upto since leaving TNA television and appears to be in good spirits. Matt said Jeff is a “reborn, reincarnated person especially now that he has a daughter, he has a wife, he has family.”

Matt also calls a truce with all the “dirt sheets” out there – but we’ll see how long that one lasts.

E#199 Jeff & Matt Hardy Issue A Statement To The Press

“Both Jeff & Matt Hardy issue very sincere & serious statements to the people, the press, & the sheets. Enjoy their heartfelt words.”