Home News Vince Russo Talks About TNA’s 6-Sided Ring, TV Deal, Impact On The Road

Vince Russo Talks About TNA’s 6-Sided Ring, TV Deal, Impact On The Road


Former TNA Writer Vince Russo recently wrote a column at his site PyroAndBallywho.com speaking on the removal and return of the six sided ring, TNA’s recent tapings outside of the impact zone and more.

TNA Possibly leaving Spike:

“I am fairly confident that after nearly a 9 year run on Spike where they’ve been the networks biggest draw, they will either re-sign with the network, or, hop aboard with a new partner who can see the potential if the proper monies and resources were committed to the product.”

6-sided ring:

“The concept from the get-go involving the 6-sides was that it would have separated TNA from WWE early on. That was one of the first conversations that Jeff Jarrett and myself had. If a viewer at home is flipping through the channels on a Thursday night and stumble upon a “new” wrestling show sporting a ring to the likes that they had never seen before, they just may stop and “check it out”. And, that’s all we were looking for in those early days of TNA—for people to just give us a look-see. When Eric came into TNA, the first thing he wanted was for the ring to go away—so the ring went away. I’m not too sure if anybody else who was there at the inception of TNA—agreed with his order, but nonetheless, it was here today and gone tomorrow. . And yes, there was no discussion—it was an order.”

TNA Taping Outside Of Orlando:

Over the next 10 weeks, you are going to see some rabid—not only wrestling, but also TNA fans—on your television screen. Yes—things really DO matter when you have a paying customer who cares. My insiders are telling me that the NYC shows were INCREDIBLE—OFF THE CHAIN. If they’re as good as people are saying, this is going to give TNA a wave of momentum that they’ve never gotten before in the history of their business.