Home News Wrestling Personalities React to Super Bowl on Twitter

Wrestling Personalities React to Super Bowl on Twitter

Wrestling Personalities React to Super Bowl on Twitter

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H’s favourite football team completed the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history last night. They did it against Goldberg’s former team the Atlanta Falcons. So you had the WWE team going up against the team from WCW’s hometown.

Wrestlers Tweeting on the Super Bowl:

Sasha Banks who is from Boston:

Xavier Woods, who is from Atlanta, enjoyed the first half but not the second half or overtime:

he re-tweeted this gem at halftime:

after the second half he was not in as great a mood:

Woods’ New Day teammate is from Boston however (not Jamaica)

Big E was less interested in the Super Bowl:

Boston native John Cena had this to say:

Carmella was apparently a Patriots cheerleader at one point:

Vince McMahon had nothing to say on the Super Bowl, perhaps not wanting to watch the sport after the recent XFL documentary aired on ESPN.
Triple H, a noted Pats fan, was also quiet on Twitter oddly enough.