WWE Criticised For CM Punk Angle, WWE Stock Snubbed

– Chicago Tribune writer Luis Gomez is not happy with how WWE has handled the CM Punk angle, including his win at Survivor Series last night. In his weekly column, Gomez noted that Punk’s title win didn’t have a big buzz like it did when he won earlier in the summer. He also noted that the angle was hurt by WWE bringing him back so soon. Gomez said:

“WWE’s best storyline in years has already been botched, and many of the casual fans who came back because of Punk have gone back to watching football on Mondays.”

– Financial website SeekingAlpha.com is reccomending that investors avoid WWE stock because the product is “dated.” SeekingAlpha wrote:

“WWE’s product is dated when compared to the various mixed martial arts formats available to the public. Overall weakness in the economy has not been helping matters, either.” Jim Cramer recently described WWE as a ‘wasting asset.’ I agree with that, and with Cramer’s opinion that there is no reason to own WWE. Avoid it.”


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