WWE Fastlane 2017 Predictions

Rich Swann & Akira Tozawa vs Brian Kendrick & Noam Dar

Kendrick has been teaching Tozawa lessons the past couple of weeks because Tozawa didn’t want to be Kendrick’s protege. Kendrick’s lessons have been attacking Tozawa from behind any chance he gets. The Kendrick and Tozawa feud will continue after this match. I envision this match being a throwaway with Kendrick and Dar picking up a cheap victory.

Predicted Winners: Brian Kendrick & Noam Dar

Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax


Stephanie McMahon placed Sasha Banks in this match as a form of punishment. Sasha Banks has been at Bayley’s side and even helped her obtain the Raw Women’s Championship. Nia Jax has been dominate as of late and I predict that will continue at Fastlane. Nia Jax will get the victory over Sasha Banks.

Predicted Winner: Nia Jax

Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Gallows & Anderson (c) vs Enzo & Cass

The build to this match has been pretty much nonexistent. Gallows and Anderson were in a feud with Roman Reigns for absolutely no reason and then all of the sudden they are defending their titles against Enzo and Cass. I thought when Enzo and Cass joined the main roster they would make more of an impact than they have so far. They have been relegated to cutting funny promos and a feud with Rusev and Jinder Mahal. Even though they are the Raw Tag Team Champions, Gallows and Anderson feel like an afterthought every Monday night. I think it is time for Enzo & Cass to get the tag titles and hopefully have a substantial title reign.

Predicted Winners & New Raw Tag Team Champions: Enzo & Cass

Cruiserweight Championship Match: Neville (c) vs Jack Gallagher

Gallagher has been getting under Neville’s skin for the past few weeks and has become a bit of a crowd favorite in the Cruiserweight division. Having said that, Neville will most likely retain his title and hopefully this match is given some time. I think Neville and Gallagher can put on a very solid match. Neville will get the victory but Gallagher will put up a good fight and will get another shot at the title down the line.

Predicted Winner & Still Cruiserweight Champion: Neville

Roman Reigns vs Braun Strowman

Strowman has beaten the hell out of Roman Reigns on the past few episodes of Monday Night Raw. To his credit, Reigns has consistently fought back and will not go down this Sunday without a fight. Given the fact that Strowman has gotten the upper hand on Reigns the past few weeks, I think Reigns will outlast Strowman on Sunday. There is also a rumor that The Undertaker will show up this week and confront Roman Reigns. Roman eliminated The Undertaker in the Royal Rumble and is expected to face him at Wrestlemania. If The Undertaker shows up tomorrow night at Fastlane, then all bets are off and anything can happen. However, if Reigns is indeed going to face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, it wouldn’t make too much sense for him to lose clean to Strowman at Fastlane.

Predicted Winner: Roman Reigns

Sami Zayn vs Samoa Joe

The build up to this match has been very good, especially since it wasn’t even supposed to happen in the first place. Seth Rollins and Samoa Joe most likely would have been facing each other tomorrow night but Rollins’ injury prevented that. Samoa Joe has looked dominant since joining the main roster and I don’t see a scenario where he doesn’t emerge victorious tomorrow night. Sami Zayn will put up a good fight but in the end Samoa Joe will walk away with the victory.

Predicted Winner: Samoa Joe

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs Charlotte

Charlotte is undefeated at WWE PPVs and I see that streak continuing into Wrestlemania. The scenario that I believe would make the most sense is that Nia Jax continues to beatdown Sasha Banks after their match earlier. Bayley comes out to help Sasha and this leads to some friction between Sasha Banks and Bayley. Banks seems destined to turn on Bayley at some point. Any scenario is that Bayley asks Sasha to not interfere in her match tonight and Dana Brooke or Nia Jax helps Charlotte win back the Raw Women’s Championship. Of course, Charlotte could also just defeat Bayley without any help but I think it is more likely that Bayley gets screwed out of the title somehow. Whether it is an attack backstage before the match or something that transpires during the Banks and Jax match. I think Bayley will somehow enter this match at a disadvantage and it will cost her the title.

Predicted Winner & New Raw Women’s Champion: Charlotte

Universal Championship Match: Kevin Owens (c) vs Goldberg

This one is hard to predict. Everything is pointing to Goldberg walking out of Fastlane as the new Universal Champion but for some reason I do not think it will happen. I would be shocked if Chris Jericho doesn’t show up and attack Kevin Owens during the match. This could lead to Goldberg picking up a victory via count out of DQ and Owens retaining the title. Another possibility is that Brock Lesnar shows up and attacks Goldberg during the match. That doesn’t make too much sense to me because why would Lesnar attack Goldberg before he wins the Universal Championship? Finally, Owens was shown conversing with Triple H backstage during a recent episode of Monday Night Raw. Either Triple H or Samoa Joe could interfere in this match to ensure that Owens retains the Universal Championship. Goldberg is the heavy favorite in this match and he could simply just hit the Spear and the Jackhammer and defeat Owens in two minutes. I’d like to think that the WWE has something surprising planned to close out Fastlane.

Predicted Winner & Still Universal Champion: Kevin Owens

Discussion: Who do you think will win at WWE Fastlane? Share your predictions in the comments below. 

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