Home News WWE Hall of Famer Sticks Up For Kevin Owens Amidst Criticism

WWE Hall of Famer Sticks Up For Kevin Owens Amidst Criticism



WWE Hall of Famer “Superstar” Billy Graham has been posting a lot about current WWE as of late on his Facebook page. One topic that came up was who should face The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32. He and most of his followers who commented were in agreement that Kevin Owens was the best choice of who is available right now. Howevr, one fan made a bit of a miscue, which seemingly angered Graham to the point that he posted a screed defending Owens:

Kevin Owens

Hey fans, I got an interesting response to my post about me liking to see KO against Taker at mania 32. Daniel Thoma wrote and I will paraphrase here “I am surprised Superstar that you like Owens, as the guy has no build and not sure what people see in him.” Well Daniel, you need to do your homework on me before you make statements that you know what I like and don’t like. Actually you know nothing about me at all do you? I have wrestled a ton of guys in my career that have no build. Please check out the shot below of Dusty and I working in MSG. Did Dusty have a build? Far from it and actually he was quite obese at times. I have wrestled Chief Jay Strongbow for my WWWF belt, did he have a “build”? I have also worked with Wahoo McDaniel in the AWA and did record setting business. Did Wahoo have a build? He had never set foot in a gym. I am not the only one that likes KO. I remember talking in a phone conversation with Triple H about KO just after I signed my Legends Contract back in October of 2015 and he told me and I quote “Oh yes Superstar, we love Kevin Owens and have big plans for him. We think he will be the future heel for our company.” So don’t be surprised about me liking KO because you sir know nothing about me, nothing at all.

Superstar Billy Graham