WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction (10/10)


Sasha Banks came down to the ring with her newly won Women’s Championship. She challenged Charlotte to a Hell in Cell match at the next PPV of the same name. Charlotte’s music hit and she was on her way to the ring when Rusev’s theme interrupted. Rusev and Lana stormed to the ring and Rusev was very angry. He stated that nobody cared about the women’s revolution or that Sasha Banks and Charlotte were the main event of Raw last week. Rusev stated that he was the main event and Charlotte ripped the microphone out of his hand. Charlotte stated that no one disrespects the queen. Charlotte then accepted Sasha’s challenge.

Lana then got involved and stated that the Hell in a Cell match was for real men like Rusev. Charlotte and Sasha didn’t agree and Dropkicked Rusev out of the ring. Roman Reigns then came down to the ring. Rusev and Lana retreated as Roman Reigns’ music blared throughout the arena even though all he did was walk down to the ring.

Cesaro vs Kofi Kingston

Sheamus came down to ring with Cesaro. During the match, Sheamus was on Facebook Live ringside. Cesaro hit Kofi with a bunch of uppercuts and followed it up with a kick to the face. Sheamus shoved down Xavier Woods outside the ring. Big E then took out Sheamus. Cesaro was distracted by this and Kingston rolled him up for the victory.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

Bayley vs Cami Fields

Bayley defeated the jobber in a matter of minutes. After the match, Bayley celebrated with her hometown crowd. Dana Brooke came out and attacked Bayley from behind.

Winner: Bayley

Chris Jericho was shown talking on the phone. Jericho demanded that whomever he was talking to get him that payday. R-Truth then showed up behind Jericho with a PayDay candy bar. Jericho explained that it wasn’t that kind of payday he was asking for and R-Truth apologized. R-Truth then walked away and Jericho called him a stupid idiot.

Tony Nese & Drew Gulak vs Sin Cara & Lince Dorado

This was a solid back and forth match. Sin Cara hit a big Powerbomb on Gulak and went for the pinfall. Tony Nese broke up the count and the match continued. Dorado hit a Shooting Star Press on Gulak for the victory.

Winners: Sin Cara & Lince Dorado

Reaction: The first hour of Raw was pretty uneventful. The opening promo was decent. I enjoy the Cruiserweight division but I do have one complaint. I barely know anything about the wrestlers and the only real feud going on in the division is Kendrick versus T.J. Perkins. There is no emotional investment in any other match in the Cruiserweight division right now. I also find it strange that Bayley is wrestling jobbers. After the draft I thought the Women’s division on Raw would be stronger than Smackdown. Right now it just seems like it is Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Everyone else is just there.

Mick Foley came down to the ring in a ridiculous suite and Stephanie McMahon joined him. He made the Hell in a Cell matches official. Jericho and Owens came down the ring and began insulting Mick Foley. Kevin Owens complained about having to face Rollins at Hell in a Cell. Jericho then added Foley to the list. Stephanie McMahon then stated if Jericho defeats Rollins later in the night he will be added to the Universal Championship match at Hell in a Cell. Kevin Owens didn’t seem to pleased with Stephanie’s decision.

Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas vs Enzo & Cass

Enzo and Cass were cutting their usual promo when Gallows and Anderson showed up. They attacked Enzo and Cass and took them both out. The match never happened.

Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas demanded another match. Sami Zayn and Neville came out.

Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas vs Sami Zayn & Neville

Sami Zayn and Neville got the win quickly. Bo Dallas didn’t even get in the match and looked disgusted. He walked away and left Axel behind.

Winners: Sami Zayn & Neville

R-Truth vs Titus O’Neil

R-Truth won via a roll up in a quick match. Titus O’Neil was apparently annoyed that R-Truth took his PayDay candy bar sponsorship. Hilarious!

Winner: R-Truth

TJ Perkins and Kendrick had a discussion backstage. Perkins stated that Kendrick used to be a great guy and it is not too late to be that guy again. They shake hands and Perkins goes to leave the room. Kendrick tried to attack him but Perkins saw it coming and laid him out.

Handicap Match: Braun Strowman vs The Spash Brothers

Strowman destroyed The Splash Brothers. Strowman slammed them on top of each other and then pinned them both for the victory.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Reaction: The second hour of Raw was just as boring as the first one. Strowman asked for real competition last week and he didn’t get it. I cannot help but wonder what Superstars like Cesaro and Sami Zayn would be doing if they were on Smackdown.

Roman Reigns & Sasha Banks vs Rusev & Charlotte

Rusev and Roman Reigns battled in the beginning of the match. The crowd was chanting “we want Sasha!” throughout. Charlotte grabbed the leg of Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks ran around the ring and attacked Charlotte.

When Raw returned from commercial, Rusev was in control of the match. Reigns hit a Superman Punch and tagged in Sasha Banks. Sasha beat the heck out of Charlotte in the corner and hit the Double Knees. Sasha then locked in the Bank Statement. Rusev came into the ring and Roman Reigns hit a Spear. Charlotte tapped out once again to the Bank Statement.

Winners: Roman Reigns & Sasha Banks

Paul Heyman came down to the ring and the WWE aired a preview for the game WWE 2k17. Heyman went on to address Bill Goldberg’s comments on ESPN about facing Brock Lesnar. Heyman compared Goldberg’s career to Brock Lesnar. Heyman then stated that Goldberg has a victory over Lesnar and that bothers Lesnar. Heyman then announced that Brock Lesnar wants to challenge Goldberg to a fight.

TJ Perkins vs Ariya Daivari

Brian Kendrick joined commentary for this match. Perkins locked in the Knee Bar early but Daivari reached the ropes to break the hold. The next few minutes were back and forth. Daivara missed with a splash and Perkins locked in the Knee Bar for the victory.

Winner: TJ Perkins

Jericho and Stephanie McMahon had a conversation backstage. Stephanie claimed that she was rooting for Jericho tonight. Stephanie then stated that if Owens and Jericho are as good of friends that they claim they are, they will know what to do to Rollins in the Hell in a Cell.

Chris Jericho vs Seth Rollins

Rollins started off the match by throwing punches at Jericho. Rollins followed it up hitting a few chops on Jericho and then the a running knee.  Jericho rolled out of the ring to take a breather. Rollins chased after him and launched Jericho into the barricade. Seth then threw Jericho into the steel steps outside the ring.

As Rollins was getting back into the ring, Kevin Owens came out to the entrance ramp. The distraction allowed Jericho to take control of the match. Raw went to commercial with Jericho posing for the crowd.

When Raw returned from commercial, Jericho was targeting the ribs of Rollins. Eventually, Rollins fought back and knocked Jericho to the mat. Rollins went to deliver a Suplex but his injured ribs wouldn’t allow it. Rollins then went to the top rope but Jericho caught him and hung Seth up on the top turnbuckle. Jericho went for a Superplex but Rollins blocked it and sent Jericho flying to the mat. Rollins then went for a Crossbody but Jericho recovered and hit him with a Dropkick while he was in mid-air.

Jericho hit Rollins a couple of knees to the ribs and went for the Codebreaker but Rollins blocked it. Rollins hit Kevin Owens with a Dropkick outside the ring. When Seth got back in the ring, Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho. Rollins was able to reach the bottom rope and break the hold. Owens hit Rollins with a kick and Jericho went for the pin but Seth kicked out.

Jericho went to launch himself but missed and fell outside the ring. Rollins then hit a Suicide Dive on Owens outside the ring. Rollins hit a clumsy-looking knee on Jericho and both men fell to the mat. Rollins then went to the top rope and missed a Frog Splash. Jericho then hit the Lionsault but Rollins kicked out.

Rollins went for the Pedigree but Jericho blocked it. Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho but Rollins countered it into a roll up for the victory. After the match, Kevin Owens attacked Seth Rollins. Owens went for the Pop-up Powerbomb but Rollins landed on his feet and went for the Pedigree. Jericho broke the Pedigree up and attacked Rollins. Seth wound up hitting a Pedigree on Jericho as Kevin Owens once again retreated.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Reaction: Every episode of Monday Night Raw has it’s moments. Every episode also contains an incredible amount of filler that makes it difficult to sit through an entire episode. Tonight’s episode featured a solid main event and a couple of entertaining moments scattered throughout a three hour show. The rest of the show either had me scratching my head or bored out of my mind.

What did you think of this week’s episode of Monday Night Raw? Let us know in the comments below.


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