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WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/8)

WWE RAW Results & Live Coverage (7/8)

The July 8th, 2019 edition of WWE RAW took place at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ.

– Becky Lynch comes out to kick off the show, and we’re opening up RAW tonight with a mixed-tag match.

Becky Lynch & Seth Rollins vs. Andrade & Zelina Vega: Becky dominates the opening moments of this one against Zelina. Becky misses a shot in the corner and Zelina finally fights back with a kick to the face. Michael Cole informs us this match is under elimination rules. Zelina chokes Becky over the ropes until Becky breaks free and connects with some kicks. Becky hits a vertical suplex, and then Andrade and Rollins tag in. They trade blows until Rollins take control and knocks Andrade out to ringside. Rollins follows up with two suicide dives on Andrade at ringside. Becky tags herself in and goes at it with Zelina again. Becky hits the t-bone suplex, and follows up with the Disarm Her shortly after. Vega taps out and is eliminated. The match will now continue as Andrade vs. Rollins. Becky Lynch sees Lacey Evans at ringside taunting her, and they start brawling into the crowd. Rollins holds back Becky as we go to break. Back from commercial, Rollins is distracted by Becky on the apron, and Andrade attacks Rollins from behind. Andrade puts the boots to Rollins on the mat now and connects with some kicks to the head for a two count. They fight up the turnbuckle and this leads to Andrade hitting a double foot stomp, then he follows up with a series of suplexes. Rollins rolls out to ringside, and Zelina hits a cheap shot on him. Becky and Andrade get involved, and this leads to Becky getting dropped. Rollins checks on her and then brawls with Andrade some more. Back at ringside, Zelina looks for another cheap shot, but Rollins catches Zelina and lets Becky kick her. Back in the ring, Rollins drops Andrade and hits the Curb Stomp for the three count.

Winners: Seth Rollins & Becky Lynch

– Rollins and Lynch celebrate on the ramp until Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans attack from behind. Corbin and Evans leave Becky and Rollins laying. Paul Heyman comes out and walks past Rollins and Evans, and he heads down to the ring.

– Back from the break, we see Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans backstage

– We go to the ring, where Paul Heyman shares some cryptic words about his client. Heyman teases again that Mr. Money In The Bank Brock Lesnar may or may not be here tonight.

– Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre approach a random arena employee backstage and ask him to be Roman Reigns’ partner tonight in his tag match against Shane and Drew.

The Usos & The Miz vs. The Revival & Elias: This one is a best two out of three falls match. Dawson starts off strong against Jimmy Uso, and Elias quickly tags in and continues the offense on Jimmy. Elias drops some knees and hits a powerslam, then tags in Dawson. Dawson and Jimmy go at it, while The Miz and Elias brawl out to ringside and up the ramp. While Miz is distracted by Elias, The Revival hits the Shatter Machine on Jimmy for the three count. The score in this match is now 1-0 for Revival and Elias. It looks like Elias is leaving and going backstage. Dawson and Jimmy go at it on the mat now and Dawson hits several leg drops. Wilder tags in for the double team on Jimmy for a two count. Dawson tags back in and misses a shot in the corner and hits the ring post. Wilder and Jey tag in, and Jey cleans house. Jey hits an enziguri kick on Wilder, then he looks for a cross body, but Wilder escapes. Dawson tags in and hits a brainbuster on Jey for a two count. The Miz finally gets the tag and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Dawsno for the three count, and the score is now 1-1. The Usos hit double superkicks on The Revival members next, and Jimmy hits suicide dive on Wilder at ringside while Jey pins Dawson in the ring for the three count.

Winners: The Usos & The Miz

– We see some videos from 24/7 Champion Drake Maverick and his wife on their honeymoon at Universal Studios Orlando.

– Back in the arena, Drake Maverick comes out from hiding in a big box with his 24/7 Title. His wife is there and she complains about always having to deal with the 24/7 Title. Drake tells her there’s a lot of room in that box and they should step inside and get it on. She’s not having it, and Drake promises he will show her he’s a great husband and will give her the honeymoon she deserves after he defends her 24/7 Title. She says they can consummate the marriage after that happens, and Drake yells in excitement that he’s going to finally “get it on with his wife.” This alerts the other wrestlers looking for the 24/7 Title of Drake’s position, and a swarm of wrestlers and a referee run in and chase off Drake.

– Rey Mysterio is backstage getting ready to come out to the ring and issue an open challenge.

– Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre are backstage talking to a beer vendor about being Reigns’ tag partner tonight.

– Back from the break, Rey comes out to the ring with a mic. Rey says he’s rehabbed his injury and he’s hungrier than ever to get in the ring. Rey says he beat the doctor’s predictions, and now he’s issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back. Bobby Lashley comes out, and it looks like Bobby is accepting Rey’s challenge.

Rey Mysterio vs. Bobby Lashley: Lashley starts off strong until Rey drops him with a Tornado DDT. Rey follows up with the 619, and then he goes up to the top rope. Rey comes flying off the top rope, but Lashley catches him and slams him down. Lashley follows up with the spear for the three count after a short match.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

– After the match, Lashley beats down Rey and drags him up the ramp. Lashley picks up Rey and it looks like Lashley wants to through him through the stage, but referees get in the way and yell at him not to. Lashley ends up throwing Rey into three referees. Lashley gets on the mic and says he was the only man standing against Braun Strowman, and this Sunday at Extreme Rules he will be the last man standing.

– Still to come: Ricochet vs. Luke Gallows in a non-Title match.

– AJ Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are backstage walking into their locker room. AJ tells a backstage interview to get out of his face because he doesn’t own anyone an explanation for beating up Ricochet last week.

Cesaro vs. No Way Jose: Jose and Cesaro brawl out to ringside in the opening moments of this one and Jose is fired up. Back in the ring, Cesaro takes control and hits a gut-wrench suplex on Jose. Cesaro swings Jose and then applies the Sharpshooter. Jose taps out for the finish after a short match.

Winner: Cesaro

– The Street Prophets are backstage cutting a promo and hyping up Sunday’s Extreme Rules.

– We see Mike Kanellis backstage giving flowers to Maria and apologizing for the loss last week. He says he’s so excited to make their second debut tonight, and they go back and forth about who loves who more. Maria tells Mike to go get ice cream and pickles for her. He asks if she wants non-fat ice cream, and she yells at him for calling her fat. He leaves to go get them. Maria asks what kind of man taps out to a woman.

– Michael Cole has Nikki Cross and Bayley on the Titantron on a split-screen for an interview. Nikki and Bayley exchange words, and Nikki says the more Bayley bashes her friend Alexa Bliss, the more it motivates Nikki to smash Bayley. Michael Cole informs Bayley that she is going to face Sarah Logan tonight, and Alexa Bliss is going to face Dana Brooke. There’s going to be a “beat the clock challenge,” and whoever wins their match faster tonight out of Bayley and Nikki will get to choose the stipulation for match on Sunday.

– The Viking Raiders are shown backstage getting ready to come out to the ring.

– R-Truth and Carmella are shown backstage looking for Drake Maverick and his 24/7 Championship. Drake Maverick runs by to avoid the mob of wrestlers chasing him, but Truth seems to run in the opposite direction as Maverick.

The Viking Raiders vs. Enhancement talents: Erik and Ivar of the Viking Raiders are against two unnamed jobbers tonight. The Viking Raiders dominate the opening moments of this one, and Ivar hits a big flying splash off the top rope. Erik hits a powerslam/powerbomb combo on both of the jobbers. The Raiders then hit The Viking Experience double team for the three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders

– As the Raiders are celebrating their win, Drake Maverick and the mob of wrestlers chasing him come out through the crowd and fight at ringside. The Raiders clear the ring. R-Truth runs in the ring, but he see the Raiders and decides to leave. Carmella hops on Truth’s back and they run out through the crowd while the other wrestlers are still at ringside.

– Ricochet is shown backstage getting ready for his match with Gallows.

– Roman Reigns is in his locker room for an interview. Reigns says he doesn’t know who the partner will be, and Reigns seems to insinuate that he knows how his partner is.

– U.S. Champion Ricochet comes out to the ring and talks about AJ Styles attacking him last week. Ricochet says he knows what’s going to happen tonight – Styles and Anderson will come out with Gallows, and he’s going to have to fight all three. AJ, Gallows, and Anderson all come out. AJ gets on the mic and tells Ricochet to slow down and enjoy the moment while he can, because Gallows is going to stomp a mud hole in him.

Ricochet vs. Luke Gallows: Ricochet starts off with a flurry of strikes on Gallows. Ricochet looks for a shot off the turnbuckle, but Gallows catches him and hits a chokeslam for a two count. Ricochet starts to fight back, but Gallows shuts him down with a big boot. Gallows follows up with some elbow strikes on Ricochet, and then a rear chin lock. Ricochet fights up to his feet, but Gallows puts him back down with a big lariat. Gallows wastes some time and then looks like he’s going to go for a powerbomb, but Ricochet escapes. Ricochet reverses the powerbomb attempt into a pin, and he scores the three count on Gallows.

Winner: Ricochet

– After the match, AJ challenges Ricochet to do what he said he was going to do, and fight all three of them. AJ tells Ricochet to take on Karl Anderson right now, unless he’s not man enough. Ricochet accepts.

Ricochet vs. Karl Anderson: Ricochet and Anderson trade strikes in the opening moments. Anderson takes Ricochet down to the mat and tries to keep him grounded now. Anderson follows up with more strikes. Anderson misses a shot and Ricochet hits a suicide dive on Gallows at ringside. Ricochet hops on the ropes and hits Anderson, and then Ricochet hits a moonsault off the apron on AJ. Back in the ring, Ricochet hits a running dropkick on Anderson, and then Ricochet goes up to the top rope. Ricochet hits the 630 for the three count.

Winner: Ricochet

– Immediately after the match, AJ hits the ring and pummels on Ricochet while he’s still down. Gallows comes in and joins in on the beat-down. Gallows and Anderson hit the Magic Killer on Ricochet. Now AJ looks like he’s going for the Styles Clash on Ricochet off the middle rope like last week, but instead he just drops Ricochet. AJ gets on the mic and says he’s a good guy and he’s going to leave a bit of Ricochet left as long as he stays down. He says he doesn’t want Ricochet to have any excuses on Sunday when AJ beats him. AJ, Gallows, and Anderson start to leave, but then they see Ricochet getting back to his feet in the ring. They turn around and get back in the ring. Gallows and Anderson hold Ricochet, and AJ hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Ricochet.

– Drake Maverick runs back to where his wife has been sitting all night. He says he survived the night as the 24/7 Champion. R-Truth then jumps out of a box and yells to “Hornswoggle” that the belt is his baby. Drake and his wife run off, and R-Truth picks up a referee on his back and runs after Drake.

– Bayley is shown backstage getting ready for her match.

– Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre approach another arena employee in the back who is walking with a limp, and they approach him to be Reigns’ tag partner against them tonight. Shane offers him five thousand dollars to be Reigns’ partners, and to just stand there on the apron. Shane says he’s going to get a mask for the guy so people don’t bother him after.

Bayley vs. Sarah Logan: The opening bell sounds and Bayley immediately starts trying to take Logan down and pin her. Bayley hits a running knee in the corner and then climbs to the top rope, but Logan knocks her down. Logan comes back with a headbutt and a dropkick, and Bayley falls out to ringside. Back in the ring, Logan continues the offense and puts the boots to Bayley. Bayley comes back with a sunset flip powerbomb into the corner, and then the belly to belly suplex for the win at 4:32.

Winner: Bayley

Nikki Cross vs. Dana Brooke: Bayley is at ringside for this one. Dana avoids engaging Nikki in the opening moments, but Nikki finally gets her hands on her and takes her down. Dana fights back with a suplex, and then Dana goes up top. Dana goes for a Swanton Bomb, but misses. Nikki follows up with the swinging neckbreaker for the three count at 1:50. Nikki wins the Beat The Clock challenge.

Winner: Nikki Cross

– Nikki tells Bayley to get in the ring after the match. Nikki tells Bayley she doesn’t know what real friendship means, so she’s going to show her at Extreme Rules, because the SmackDown Women’s Title match at Extreme Rules is going to be a 2-on-1 handicap match between Nikki Cross and Alexa vs. Bayley. Nikki talks trash until Bayley has heard enough and she gives Nikki a belly to belly suplex. Bayley follows up with a flying elbow off the top on Nikki.

– We go backstage where Mike Kanellis brings Maria her ice cream and pickles. Maria says to get it away from her because it’ll make her fat. Maria complains about feeling fat, and asks Mike if she wasn’t already pregnant if he would do it again. Maria says he will never impregnate her again, and she’s not sure if he’s the one who impregnated her this time. Mike asks what he’s going on, and Maria screams “look what you’ve done to me,” and throws some flowers at him.

– Corey Graves is backstage to interview Becky Lynch and Seth Rollins. Becky says they back up everything they say, and this Sunday there are no rules.

– The Street Prophets are backstage cutting another promo to hype up Extreme Rules.

– Roman Reigns comes out to the ring, and then Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre come out to the stage with mics. Shane introduces Roman’s mystery partner, the arena worker they talked to earlier. He comes out wearing a mask and limping to the ring.

Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre vs. Roman Reigns & mystery partner: Cole tells us that Reigns’ partner’s name is Gary “The Goat.” Reigns starts off strong and looks for the Superman punch early on, but Drew blocks it with a kick. Drew backs Reigns into the corner and his mystery partner is unintentionally tagged in. Shane tells Drew to tag him in, and Shane tags in. Gary hides in the corner from Shane, but then Gary surprises everyone and hits a kick to the face of Shane. Gary starts cleaning house and he hits a dive on Drew at ringside, then he hits a flying cross body on Shane in the ring. Gary starts getting the upper hand on Shane until Drew runs in and boots him in the face. Shane covers the three count.

Winners: Shane McMahon & Drew McIntyre

– Shane and Drew head up the ramp while Reigns helps up his partner in the ring. Gary takes his mask off and reveals that it’s Cedric Alexander. Cedric appears to be bleeding from his mouth. Cedric and Roman shake hands and hug in the ring as RAW goes off the air.
