WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (7/31)


The July 31st, 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live on the USA Network from the PPG Paints Arena in Pittsburgh, PA.

– WWE RAW GM Kurt Angle’s music hits and the Olympic gold medalist makes his way down to the ring to kick off tonight’s show. Angle welcomes his hometown crowd to RAW and he announces tonight’s matches. He mentions Big Show vs. Big Cass, Jason Jordan on Miz TV, and Reigns vs. Strowman vs. Joe. Angle mentions that this is the 21-year anniversary of his Olympic gold medal that he won with the broken freakin’ neck. The crowd gives him a big ovation then he starts to leave, but he’s interrupted by Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Lesnar and Heyman come down to the ring, and Heyman tells Angle that he knows his secret plan. Heyman says Angle is trying to take the Universal Title from Lesnar because he’s putting him in a Fatal Four-Way with the most stacked heavyweight division in WWE history. Heyman theorizes that Angle wants the “Samoan disgrace” Joe to win the match because that would stick it to Lesnar. Heyman points out that any of the other competitors could be pinned in the match and it would cause Lesnar to lose the Universal Title. Heyman says if he loses the Universal Title at SummerSlam, Lesnar and Heyman are both leaving WWE, but that won’t happen because Lesnar will win and retain the title. Heyman drops the mic and heads to the back with Lesnar.

– The Hardy Boyz are backstage heading to the gorilla position.

The Hardy Boyz def. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson: Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder are on commentary for this one. Matt Hardy controls the opening moments of the match against Anderson. Gallows comes in and the Hardys hit back him up into the corner and hit the Poetry In Motion. It comes down to Gallows and Jeff, and Gallows takes control with a big boot and some strikes in the corner. Jeff hits a Twist of Fate out of nowhere and both men are down. Anderson gets the tag in and works on Jeff. Jeff escapes and gets the tag to Matt, who throws Anderson in the corner and repeatedly slams him head into the turnbuckles. Matt follows up with a running clothesline in the corner and a bulldog for a two count. Matt hits some elbows on Anderson then the Side Effect for another two count. Gallows cheap-shots Matt from behind then tags in. They go for the Magic Killer on Matt, but Jeff breaks it up. Anderson takes out Jeff then Gallows boots Matt in the face, but Matt is able to come back with a Twist of Fate. Jeff tags in and immediately goes up top for the Swanton Bomb for the win. The Revival and The Hardys start brawling on the stage after the match. Anderson and Gallows up in and get involved, and all six men are brawling. The Hardys start bumping people into the screens and off the stage, then Matt and Jeff each hit a Twist of Fate on Dawson. Matt then gets on his hands and knees and Jeff launches off of him for a splash onto Wilder and Anderson below the stage. The Hardys celebrate on the stage then head backstage.

– Dean Ambrose does an interview backstage where he is quickly interrupted by Seth Rollins. Rollins says last week felt like old times, but Ambrose says he still doesn’t trust Rollins. Ambrose says he got burned by Rollins once and it won’t happen again.

– Seth Rollins is shown walking backstage when he’s confronted by Sheamus and Cesaro. They tell Rollins what makes them such a great team is that they trust each other, unlike Rollins and Ambrose because Rollins stabbed him in the back. Sheamus says Ambrose was Rollins’ last chance of success, and Cesaro pokes fun at Rollins being a loner now. Rollins tells them he wants to fight one of them tonight. Sheamus tells Rollins to stop digging himself in a hole and leaves.

Akira Tozawa, Cedric Alexander & Rich Swann def. Tony Nese, Daivari & TJ Perkins: Alexander hits a flurry of offense on Nese early on including a backflip hurricanrana. Daivari and Swan tag in and after a quick exchange Swan drops him with a hurricanrana. Tozawa comes in and hits some kicks and a senton drop on Daivari for a two count. Daivari starts working on Tozawa’s injured shoulder, then tags in Nese. Nese continues the assault on Tozawa’s bad shoulder, then tags in Daviari. Tozawa comes back with a running knee to Daivari’s dace, then Swan and Perkins get the tags. Swan hits a spinning leg drop on TJP then a running frogsplash for a two count. Nese runs in but Alexander stops him with a flying clothesline off the top. Alexander and Swann hits suicide summersaults outside in tandem onto Nese and Perkins at ringside. Tozawa then hits a suicide dive on Daivari at ringside, and Tozawa is still selling the shoulder. Back in the ring, TJP goes for a Detonation Kick on Swann, but Swann escapes and kicks TJP in the head. Tozawa tags in and hits a senton bomb off the top rope on Perkins for the win.

– The Miz is out with the Miztourage to host the latest edition of Miz TV. The Miz brings out Jason Jordan to discuss the recent developments in Jordan’s career. Miz says Jordan’s in-ring abilities remind him of his father Kurt Angle, and says he wants to manage Jordan’s career and invites him to join the Miztourage. Jordan declines the offer, so Miz says Kurt Angle is going to hand Jordan everything on a silver platter on RAW. Miz says Jordan is being foolish because this company will chew him up and spit him out. Jordan says he’d rather be chewed up and spit out than have any association with someone like Miz. Miz says Angle is washed up and got his job out of pity, and he’s sad and broken down just like Pittsburgh. Jordan gets in Miz’s face and Miz swings at Jordan. Jordan ducks, then suplexes Miz into Dallas and Axel. Jordan rolls out of the ring and heads to the back as Dallas and Axel help Miz to his feet.

– Seth Rollins is backstage getting ready to face off against Sheamus next.

Seth Rollins def. Sheamus: Cesaro is at ringside in Sheamus’ corner. After some evenly-matched back and forth action in the opening minutes, Rollins fires up with some kicks to take control. Rollins chokes Sheamus against the second rope, then hits a dropkick that sends Sheamus falling outside. Rollins gets distracted by Cesaro at ringside, which allows Sheamus to hit a cheap shot then pull Rollins outside. Sheamus beats Rollins down around ringside and high-fives Cesaro. Back in the ring, Senton hits a rolling senton slam off the middle rope for a two count. Rollins evades the Ten Beats of the Baron by hitting a neckbreaker on Sheamus across the top rope. Sheamus comes back with the Irish Curse backbreaker, then he hits a spear in the corner. Sheamus goes up top for a flying clothesline, but Rollins ducks. Rollins throws Sheamus into the turnbuckle then the two men trade elbow shots to the face. Rollins hits a kick to the head that sends Sheamus out to ringside, and Rollins follows up with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a flying clothesline and the Sling Blade. Cesaro comes up on the apron and Rollins knocks him off. The distraction allows Sheamus to attempt the White Noise on Rollins, but Rollins escapes and rolls up Sheamus for the win. After the match, Sheamus and Cesaro beat down Rollins and hit the double team White Noise on him. Sheamus and Cesaro continue to beat on Rollins until Ambrose comes out for the save. Sheamus and Cesaro get the better of Ambrose and Cesaro hits the Neutralizer on him. Ambrose won’t stay down and tells them to bring it, so Cesaro pummels on him then holds him up for Sheamus to hit the Brogue Kick. Sheamus boots Ambrose then the Tag Champs leave as Rollins and Ambrose are both laid out.

– Bray Wyatt is out to the ring next. Wyatt cuts a promo on the fans in Pittsburgh saying they are pitiful, and he sees everything because he’s everywhere. Wyatt says Finn Balor’s fans are living vicariously through him because he gives them the illusion of hope. Wyatt says when the eater of worlds knocks you down there’s no getting up. Wyatt says there’s no escape from him, then drops the mic. Red lights start pulsing on then the arena lights cut out. When the lights cut back on, Finn Balor is in the ring. Wyatt charges at Balor but Balor kicks him and Wyatt falls outside. Balor follows him outside and hits a running dropkick that sends Wyatt over the fan barricade. Wyatt backs up through the crowd as Balor stares him down.

– Braun Strowman cuts a promo in a pre-taped video saying he’s not like most men who settle things from behind a keyboard. Strowman says tonight he wants to hurt Roman Reigns again. Strowman says there’s nothing Joe can do to him, and tonight he’s going to beat down both Joe and Reigns because he wants Lesnar to himself at SummerSlam.

Roman Reigns def. Braun Strowman & Samoa Joe: This one is under Triple Threat rules. Strowman takes charge of the match early on with a series of running splashes on both Reigns and Joe in opposite corners of the ring. Strowman dumps both of his competitors outside and exclaims that this is his yard. Joe and Reigns briefly align to take out Strowman together, then they start going at it in the ring. Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Joe catches the arm and puts Reigns in an armbar. Strowman breaks the hold and throws Joe into the fan barricade. Reigns hits Strowman from behind then they brawl into the crowd. Strowman drops Reigns, then Joe runs up behind Strowman and locks him in the Coquina Clutch. Joe breaks the hold to turn his attention to Reigns. Joe whips Reigns into the barricade then hits the Pele kick on him. Back in the ring, Reigns comes back with a series of clotheslines. Reigns drops Joe with a big boot, then Joe rolls outside to recover. Reigns runs outside and jumps off the ring steps with a Superman punch on Joe. Reigns charges towards Strowman for a spear, but Strowman blocks him with a big boot to the face. Strowman slams Reigns into the ring post, then drops Joe with a clothesline. Strowman throws Reigns into the ring steps then knees Joe in the head. Strowman throws Reigns into the ring through the middle ropes. Strowman throws the ring steps in the ring next. Strowman goes to grab Joe, but Joe drops Strowman with a Pele kick then follows up with a senton drop. Back in the ring, Joe hits a senton drop on Reigns then positions the ring steps in the corner. Reigns goes for a Samoan Drop, but Joe escapes and puts Reigns in the Coquina Clutch. Strowman breaks the hold, then hits a running powerslam on Joe but Reigns breaks the pin. Strowman repeatedly slams Reigns into the corner, then he grabs the ring steps. Strowman goes to hit Reigns with the steps, but Reigns hits a Superman punch first. Reigns hits Strowman with the ring steps, then he hits the spear on Samoa Joe for the win.

– The Big Show is backstage doing pushups and he’s interrupted by Enzo Amore. Enzo thanks Big Show for looking out for him, and Big Show says he’s going to teach Big Cass a lesson in respect.

– Elias is in the ring with his guitar where he cuts a promo on the people of Pittsburgh then sings a negative song about them. He gets interrupted by Kalisto’s entrance.

Elias def. Kalisto: Kalisto starts off in good shape and works on Elias with leg kicks. Kalisto goes for a hurricanrana but Elias blocks it and throws Kalisto out to ringside. Back in the ring, Elias drops Kalisto with a big boot then stomps on him in the corner. Elias hits a vertical suplex on Kalisto for a two count. Kalisto dodges a clothesline attempt then hits Elias with a kick and a springboard cross body off the top. Elias comes back with a knee and a swinging neckbreaker for the win.

– Alexa Bliss does an interview backstage where she talks trash about Baley and Sasha. Alexa says it’s embarrassing that Sasha lost to Bayley. She says Nia Jax is going to massacre Bayley tonight.

– Seth Rollins approaches Dean Ambrose in the locker room and thanks him for coming out to help earlier when he was beat down by Sheamus and Cesaro. Ambrose says Rollins set him up because if he didn’t come out to help he would look like the bad guy. Ambrose still doesn’t trust Rollins and he walks off.

Bayley def. Nia Jax: Nia Jax controls the opening moments as she rag-dolls Bayley down to the mat and throws her outside. Bayley tries to mount a comeback but Nia continues the beat down back in the ring. Bayley is selling a shoulder injury. Nia whips Bayley into the corner, but Bayley comes back with an elbow and some kicks. Bayley hits a running bulldog then a dropkick and a running knee to the face. Nia falls out to ringside and Bayley hits a cross body off the apron onto Nia at ringside. Alexa Bliss runs in, but Bayley drops Alexa before she can do anything. Nia chrges at Bayley but Bayley moves and Nia crashes into the ring steps. Bayley rolls back into the ring, and the ref counts out Nia. Alexa chases Bayley out of the ring after the match.

– Big Cass does an interview backstage where he says you’re judged by the company you keep, and says Big Show must not respect himself if he’s hanging out with Enzo. Cass says he’ll be the one teaching Big Show a lesson in respect tonight.

– Enzo Amore comes out to the ring and cuts his usual promo on Big Cass. He says Big Cass is a fraud, and his friend Big Show doesn’t write checks his ass can’t cash. Enzo introduces Big Show, and our main event is up next.

Big Cass def. Big show via DQ: Big Show takes the fight to Cass before the bell rings and backs him up in the corner with strikes. Big Show backs off and the ref calls for the bell, and Show goes right back to work with chops and headbutts. Big Show knocks Cass outside, and on the way back in Cass chokes Big Show across the top rope. Back in the ring, Big Show shoulder tackles Cass then powerslams him. Big Show goes for the chokeslam, but Cass fights his way out and takes out Big show’s left knee. Cass continues to work on Big Show’s knee on the mat. Big Show tries to fight his way up to his feet again, but Cass boots him in the face. Cass comes off the top rope, but Big Show swats him out of the sky. Show hits a couple clotheslines and a splash in the corner. Big show runs off the ropes, but Cass stops him with a big boot. Enzo jumps in the ring and hops on Cass’ back, but Cass throws him off and boots him in the face. The ref calls for the DQ due to Enzo’s run-in. Cass talks trash to Enzo while he’s laying on the mat, then he turns around into a knockout punch from Big Show. Big Show’s music hits and he helps Enzo walk to the back as Cass recovers in the ring.


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