Meet Cena, Miz, Morrison, Kingston, Kane, Phoenix & More

John Cena will be signing copies of his Legendary DVD at midnight on Tuesday, September 28th at the Wal-Mart in Tampa, Florida on Lane O’ Lakes Boulevard. Fans must purchase a wristband to meet Cena.

The Miz will be appearing at Slackers CD’s & Games in St. Louis, Missouri on Saturday, September 18th from 4-6pm.

– WWE Diva Beth Phoenix will be appearing at the Richmond County Fair in Staten Island, New York on Saturday, September 4th from 2-4pm.

John Morrison will be appearing at FYE in Chicago, IL on Sunday, September 19th from 11am until 1pm.

Kofi Kingston will be appearing at Kelly’s Sports Corner in Lake Grove, New York on Saturday, September 25th from 1-3pm.

Kane and The Miz will be appearing at Caroline’s on Broadway in New York City on Saturday, October 30th. The Miz will appear from 10am until 12pm and Kane will appear from 2-4pm.


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