AJ Styles Comments on CM Punk Possibly Returning to the WWE

CM Punk

It’s been several years since A.J. Styles crossed paths with CM Punk when both performers were working on the independent circuit before each of them became superstars in the WWE.

Most recently, Styles has become one of the most recognizable names on the WWE roster where he currently reigns as heavyweight champion.

Meanwhile, Punk is still pursuing his second mixed martial arts fight in the UFC after leaving WWE a few years ago after his contract expired while also being locked in a dispute with the company.

While Punk has given no indication that he’d ever return to wrestling much less work with WWE again, it’s tough to ignore the fantasy matchmaking to see him mixing it up with Styles in a pairing that would pit two of the best in the business against each other.

For his part, Styles knows that ultimately money will probably play a part in whether Punk decides to return to wrestling or not but he also knows some burnt bridges can never be rebuilt.

“Money talks but there’s some issues there that I don’t know enough about. A lot of guys [ have had issues] and like I said money talks,” Styles told “Loper and Randi In the Morning” on Friday ahead of his appearance at WWE Fastlane in Columbus, OH.

“But some guys have bigger issues than others. Who knows.”

The ‘bigger issues’ likely references Punk’s ongoing lawsuit with WWE doctor Chris Amann, who sued the former pro wrestler after comments he made about being mistreated by the physician while on the company’s roster.

There have been rumors that the lawsuit will go to trial soon but it’s unknown if that will put an end to the feud between Punk and the WWE or only further escalate it.

Either way it certainly seems fun to think about pairing up Styles and Punk for a match one day in the future.

Would you like to see AJ Styles take on CM Punk in the WWE? Sound off in the comments and let us know.


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