Home News AJ Styles Says ‘We Are Getting Close’ To Edge Match

AJ Styles Says ‘We Are Getting Close’ To Edge Match

AJ Styles Says ‘We Are Getting Close’ To Edge Match
AJ Styles and Edge during the 2020 Royal Rumble

Ever since Edge made his return to WWE, people have been wanting to see him getting in the ring with AJ Styles for a one-on-one match. Now the phenomenal one is saying that we are getting close to this encounter.

The former world champion was a guest on the most recent episode of WWE’s The Bump. He discussed things related to the Royal Rumble PPV including his own debut for the company during the 2016 Rumble and more.

When asked if he has interest in going against the Rated R Superstar, Styles replied positively. He then recalled the last time they faced off in a ring:

“Absolutely, I think the last time Edge and I were in the ring together he separated my shoulder with a spear. Which was, you know, the way it should have been.

But we need to get back in the ring with a one-on-one match and get this thing over with.” said AJ Styles, “I want this match. He wants this match. When is it gonna happen? We’re getting close.”

The last time these two stars competed against each other was during the 2020 Royal Rumble event where Edge made his in-ring return after almost 9 years.

Unfortunately for AJ Styles, he suffered a separated shoulder during the bout after taking a spear from the Attitude Era star. Though Styles at the time had claimed that Edge was not the one responsible for his injury.

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