Alex Shelley Reflects On Recent WWE In-Ring Debut

Alex Shelley reflected on his recent WWE debut during an NXT Live Event in Pittsburgh, PA. Shelley partnered with KUSHIDA, reforming their Time Splitters tag team ahead of their Dusty Classic matchups. They faced off against the Forgotten Sons, ultimately coming out on top with the victory.

Taking to Twitter, the Superstar addressed how wrestling in WWE and their black-and-gold brand has been a dream of his. He then highlighted how the past few years haven’t been easy for him, but noted that “If a single person can draw some inspiration and strength from this? Win.”

“I’ve more to say, but wrestling for @WWE and @WWENXT specifically has been a dream of mine for awhile. I have had to do a lot of hard things in life, especially the last few years. But so have you. If a single person can draw some inspiration and strength from this? Win. Thanks.”

Alex Shelly’s Not Even Mad

Shelley shared how he had broken down on the highway following an NXT show in Warren, OH. Despite the setback, Shelley didn’t let it bother him. Instead, he stated “studying for my CSCS exam, looking up chords to @TogetherPangea songs, reading Scott Pilgrim books. Not even mad. The high I experienced this weekend was immeasurable. Thank you, NXT, Kushi, everyone.”

Alex Shelley will team with KUSHIDA against the team of NXT UK’s Grizzled Young Veterans. They clash in the first round of the 2020 Dusty Classic this Wednesday on NXT.

Posted January 13th, 2020 in WWE, News, NXT. Tagged: .

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