Home News Amazing Story Of How Randy Orton Covered For Christian Following In-Ring Accident

Amazing Story Of How Randy Orton Covered For Christian Following In-Ring Accident

Amazing Story Of How Randy Orton Covered For Christian Following In-Ring Accident
Randy Orton (Photo credit: Instagram @WWE)

WWE Superstar Randy Orton was recently a guest on former WWE Tag Team Champs Edge and Christian’s podcast, E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness, to talk about a variety of professional wrestling topics. During their conversation, Christian recalled an incident between he and Orton after one of their matches back in 2005. “Captain Charisma” jumped Orton after their match, however, he legitimately injured “The Viper” during the segment:

“I came out and I jumped you after a match … it was just going to be a little TV program. I cuffed you so hard in the head and I guess it knocked your equilibrium all crazy because you were down in the ring. You weren’t moving.“

Orton suffered from a ruptured eardrum after the attack, causing a great deal of worry from Christian as he knew Orton was set for a big push in the coming months. Orton covered for Christian by telling everyone backstage that he was okay and was just selling:

“They finally got you up, they carried you back and you opened the curtain and you said, ‘Relax everyone. I was just working. I was just selling it,’. Everyone’s like, ‘Oh, cool, good job Randy.’ We got down the stairs, you put your arm around me and you whispered, ‘I am so f—ed up.’ “