Home News Ambrose vs. Orton On SmackDown, Tag Team Match on Main Event

Ambrose vs. Orton On SmackDown, Tag Team Match on Main Event


WWE is advertising several high-profile matches for this week’s episodes of WWE Main Event & SmackDown, to be taped this evening from Edmonton, AB:

– WWE Main Event will see Alberto Del Rio and The Miz teaming up against Intercontinental champion Wade Barrett and Big E Langston. Del Rio and Big E Langston have exchanged wins on the past 2 weeks of RAW, while Miz and Barrett exchanged the Intercontinental championship around WrestleMania 29.

– Friday’s SmackDown will see WWE United States Champion Dean Ambrose of The Shield vs. Randy Orton. Ambrose (and The Shield) promised to elevate the status of their new championship titles – and a main event title defense against Randy Orton is a sign that he’s following through on that claim.

* VIDEO of the WYATT FAMILY Promo Video That Aired On RAW