Home News Stephen Amell Raffling Slammy For A Great Cause, Kurt Angle On Duck Dynasty & More

Stephen Amell Raffling Slammy For A Great Cause, Kurt Angle On Duck Dynasty & More


WWEShop.com is now selling AJ Styles replica gloves.

– WWE Diva Paige will be attending Portland Comic Con this Saturday. For more information, visit WizardWorld.com.

– Kurt Angle will be appearing on tonight’s episode of Duck Dynasty on A&E.

– Actor Stephen Amell is selling his Slammy Award to raise money for Elijah Mainville (aka “Drax Shadow”), an 8-year old child battling Stage 4 Neuroblastoma Cancer. Donate $5 (or more!) to this GoFundMe Campaign and you’ll be entered into a raffle to win the Slammy.

Slammy Raffle

Facebook! It is finally time to raffle off my Slammy in support of Elijah Mainville, aka Drax Shadow. Elijah is 8 years old and has been fighting cancer for far too long. $5 to Elijah's GoFundMe page – https://www.gofundme.com/elijahismyhero – gets you a ticket and a chance to win the Slammy. (Autographed by me and Stardust.) $10 gets you two tickets and so on… Feel free to try and buy the raffle out with an outlandish donation. Raffle will run through the week… My bet is there'll end up being more than one prize! Let's do some good!

Posted by Stephen Amell on Tuesday, February 16, 2016