Audio: Bret Hart Comments About Warrior’s Death, Steroid Use

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart appeared on Calgary’s CJAY 92 on Wednesday morning and commented on the death of the Ultimate Warrior. Bret said that he crossed paths several times with Warrior over the weekend and could tell that Warrior’s health was not great.

“He seemed good, he seemed happy, for sure. But, I did get a sense that maybe his health wasn’t up to what it was – maybe he wasn’t as healthy as he could have been or used to be. He seemed a little bit frail. Sometimes that could be nerves and stuff like that. But, he seemed a little less indestructible than he used to be.”

While Warrior was always very health conscious with a bodybuilder mentality, Bret did imply that chronic steroid use could be a factor in his health failing.

“He was always a pretty health conscience guy, but I don’t think it would be a surprise to know that he took steroids for a long time and I don’t know if he ever stopped… A lot of these wrestlers who have taken steroids for long stretches of time have found that it enlarges their heart and it causes a lot of problems. There are a lot of question marks about whether steroids have been a direct link to wrestlers especially in that age group.”

He added that Warrior had been tough to deal with in previous years and due to the way his character was portrayed.

“I think he’s a nice guy now going through a lot of changes in his life. It was a hard job for him being champion a long time ago. I think he ended up resenting the business and a lot of guys in it. In a lot of ways, he kind of turned his back on the business because he wasn’t happy with how things worked out for him.”

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