Home News Hulk Hogan’s Racist Rant Posted Online (Audio)

Hulk Hogan’s Racist Rant Posted Online (Audio)


An audio clip from one of Hulk Hogan’s racist tirades has leaked online, courtesy of Death and Taxes and our own David Bixenspan.

The conversation below is from 9 years ago and features Hulk Hogan talking to Heather Clem about which African American guys he deems fit to date his daughter. To quote the Hulkster:

“If we’re gonna f*ck with n*ggers, let’s get a rich one!”

The rant is from one of the sex tapes that was at the center of Hogan’s civil trial against Gawker Media. A Florida jury ultimately ruled in Hogan’s favor to the tune of over $140 million — but his flagrant use of the N-Word cost Hogan his job with WWE and [rightfully] haunt him to this day.