Home News Steve Austin Interview: Hosting RAW, The Rock, Lesnar

Steve Austin Interview: Hosting RAW, The Rock, Lesnar


WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin appeared on the Wresting Voice podcast this week and spoke about a number of topics. Here are some highlights of what Austin said about:

Hosting RAW In December: “I heard those rumors. I started hearing them last night and I started hearing them this morning on the computer. Man, I haven’t heard anything about that. I’m getting ready to leave to film a movie in a week. When I get done with that, I’ll be in Texas. Then, I’m coming back to work on another movie. If I’m supposed to be in Albany in December, I was figuring to be in Texas. Nobody has told me anything.”

The Rock’s Movie Career: “I think I’m about as separated from wrestling as I can get. It seems like I’ve been away forever. I’ll make an appearance every now and then to promote something on Raw, but I think I’m about as far as away from it as I can get. That said, I love the wrestling business and I love my fans, but I’m not in the mix anymore.”

Undertaker & Lesnar’s Confrontation: “It looked like they were attempting something,” he said. “My opinion, when I look at the UFC and WWE, trying to mix those two is like oil and water. I don’t see anything happening out of it.”

Austin was there to promote his new action movie, “Hunt To Kill.” You can check out the official trailer for for the movie by clicking here.