– WWE Hall of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin wrote on Twitter that he will be meeting with WWE officials in Stanford, Connecticut regarding the upcoming season of Tough Enough, which he’ll be hosting.
Austin asked fans for any ideas or suggestions they may have for the show.
As noted before, Kevin Nash is also scheduled to meet with WWE officials today regarding the future. Nash signed a Legends contract this week.
– Two former members of WWE’s creative team have joined Twitter.
Chris DeJoseph, probably best (or worst) known as Big Dick Johnson, can be followed on Twitter at @chrisdejoseph. He departed from WWE in November noted Twitter this week that he will be available for interviews after March 10th.
Another former WWE writer, Alex Greenfield, can be followed at @alexdgreenfield. He was hired by WWE back in 2005 and worked for the company for about two years.
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