A lot of people believe that Vince McMahon being the sole authority in WWE is the reason that their programming has gone stale and the general belief is that the Boss does not listen to other people’s ideas.
However, the latest edition of Wrestling Observer Newsletter suggests otherwise and it reveals that the problem is the exact opposite of the popular belief.
According to it, one of the biggest problems backstage isn’t Vince McMahon not being open to suggestion but it’s the Boss being too far open to ideas these days.
Word is that there is too much input from too many people on the writing team and Vince asking for input from everyone leads to the original ideas and storylines getting lost in the shuffle and the product being watered down due to it.
The report also takes a look at the current workload of the Chairman. It’s general knowledge that McMahon is a workaholic, however, even at 73 years old; he is working a very busy schedule every week.
Mr. McMahon is often found in the office past midnights and at least once every week he leaves work close to 3 am. Fridays are said to be his easy work days but even then, he works until 8 pm.
His busy schedule also has people wondering about the launch of XFL and how he will manage to run the sports league while also being the boss at WWE.
While Vince McMahon is maintaining that XFL duties will not affect his role in WWE, it seems virtually impossible unless he spends very little time working on the football league and it’d be interesting to see if his position in WWE changes after its launch in 2020.
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